I just found this little blog today. Very funny. It's okay, I understand. It's hard to criticize Halo, so you have to go around throwing mud.
they are just mad because there are almost no good games on PS3 yet. Halo 3 does have many flaws, and there are better games out there, but PS3 doesnt have **** on 360 as of right now.
I found that site a while back, lmfao. I mean, I know they're joking and all, but still. It's pretty funny though
unfortunatly, its not always goin to be ps3 as v current underdogs in terms of games and population- Microsoft has finished Halo now and Resistance Fall of Man has only just begun. Ive been on it- its graphics are slightly rushed to meet with sony demand but hell its a good game already with an equally good storyline to Halo. I just hope that a 64 player game one of my sony friends was on about is only rumour