Agreed, but at the sametime someone claiming they "tried" to do it and couldn't shouldn't automatically disprove anything. I saw the clip, and it looks like 2/3 people are grabbing on to something when the film starts (one of them is the coliseum wall and the other i cant tell). Its weird because the person walks THROUGH the objects as they are still falling
LMAO that people are trying to figure this out. i've had it happen to me multiple times already, it is as JPEC said, a host switching weird laggy glitch thing. that is all. theres no magic trick. /thread.
If its just a host glitch, why wouldn't they spawn in place? Why would they also fall at different speeds? He also said it wasn't lag in the comments under the video. How did he do it? Very carefully.
Bungie would not post anything on their front page if it was any sort of glitch, lag, or mod. Erico had the best explanation so far "Magic". I have a pretty good idea how its done going to try it right when I get home I feel we're on the right track with fixed and phased just keep working at it don't give up so easy:/ maybe add some spawn times to the equation or something lag, glitch, mod, video edit-ppaahhhh!