The nominating period is now over and the nominees are 1. "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" with 6 nominations 2. "Halo CE" with 4 nominations 3. "Halo 2" with 3 nominations 4. "Metal Gear Solid" with 2 nominations 4. "Halo 3" with 2 nominations 4. "Half Life 2" with 2 nominations
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. legend of zelda: WIND WAKER link looked so better in that style but then again its the only legend of zelda i played
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. Metal Gear Solid - PS1 The narrative in that game at the time was light years beyond reading text from a 16 bit game. Sure there may have been Final Fantasy games that some would argue had better writing,but the total package of writing,presentation,use of technonlogy and over all surprise factor was like nothing I had seen up to that time. And that was like 12 years ago! Seems like yesterday I was a wee lad of 15 soaking in the adventures of Solid Snake. Runners up for me include The original Zelda,Super Mario 1,2,+3,Megaman 2,Ninja Gaiden Series,FF III, FFVII, and the dark horse of the all, the VERY underrated Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butchers Bay. I'm sure there is many I have forgotten about,but that's what immediately pops to my head.
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. Neverwinter Nights 1, for being the most replayable and constructive RPG ever, Aurora Toolset FTW! For me nothing surpasses it in balance, fun, sounds/music and even the 5 year-old graphics seem more friendly than many 360 games.
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. metal gear was a ledge of a game in its day. story line was sweet and was brill considering it was a ps1 game. shame it aint out for 360, the fan base would have been huge
Re: Best Video Game Of All Time. oh crap i forgot i really like the wind waker! change my vote to Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker i loved that gammmee so much
Re: Best Video Game Of All Time. Shenmue 2 is a great game indead, it is a close second to Starwars Knights of the Old Repulbic which is my number one!