Whenever I had friends over at my house, we'd play that all night long. Together we'd go into the rail lift thingy, and shoot out at the team of bots. The scary thing was that they'd always pick up that laser gun, which could go through the thin walls of the lift. We'd be all crammed in there, moving ever so slowy, like sitting ducks, and looking around, when suddenly BAM! A huge flash would skim the screen and someone would get hit through the wall. We always freaked out then. It was one of the funnest things I've ever done with my friends, and a very fond memory. If somebody remakes that map, wow. It'd be like the ultimate. I hope that this new foundry map everyone's talking about is real, because then you could remake the hill, and possibly have AI and maybe just maybe a moving lift. Just had to upload a video of the map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSPEWxtLORQ
Gears of War. Best Multi player, Best Campaign, Best Co-op! The game play is amazing and it is so much fun to play with friends. Also Counter-Strike which was a classic. And Team Fortress Two which is also one of the best multi player games.
The best shooters of all time in my opinion would have to be Goldeneye: 007, BioShock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, and R6V. All of them are different from each other, and have their own kind of originality to them.
wow this is harder than i though, ive played so many great shooting games 1st person, 3rd person, whatever there still great, Yes i agree gears of war is a great shoot em up, the graphics are amazing, and when all that blood spurts up on your screen you get a feel of satisfaction, overall its a great game but recently there's been allot of "sponging" which is a word people made for when you shoot the crap out of someone and nothing happens. Halo 2 was great fun, it was a classic and like counter strike it made shoot em ups what they are now. I'm sure still now people still play them and i can see why. The best shooter of All time would have to be... Gears of war (besides halo 3), no game has perfected blood in game and gears is the next level, congrats and i leave yo with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GVvXoIu1jE top ten fpshooter games,
It's the bullet lag. A lot of people don't know about it. So many, that it is embarrassing to the fps online genre. Not sponging people. Read my previous posts if you also don't know what it is. I think the choices in that video were not for best shooter to date, but best shooter at the times. What would you rather be playing? Halo 1 or Halo 3? Seriously, what are you going to pop into your xbox today? They were considered amazing then, but now, most players would not look twice at some of those.
Doom, Quake (Quake was one of the very first games to be emulated, and it ran about 10 FPS ) Wolfenstein, Halo series, Call of Duty 4 (others would not make my list) Half-Life series, goldeneye, and Perfect Dark
Nightfire was the ****, incredibly underappreciated. I had so much fun playing skyrail against the semi-retarded bots. So much time spent using the user guided missile launcher, that thing was probably the best weapon of all time.