Its refreshing to see the amount of people who actually have a memory past the 360. Those who say GoW or Halo 3 probabley haven't played enough games to make a good choice lol. I'm going with HL2 (as usual) but some other great ones include the UT series, Crysis, Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, and Tribes: Vengeance.
UT Classic is definitely the Best Shooter of All Time. The bots were UNBELIEVEABLE and the level editor was great. EDIT: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy was amazing also. The lightsaber combat was the best of any Star Wars game.
Yeah i have to agree! The graphics arent great now but at the time it was one of the best games ever! And i play it sometimes today on my N64 ! It has a great multiplayer and never gets old!
Golden Eye for the Nintendo 64 , Halo 1/CE, and Unreal Shampionship 2005 are the best shooters in my eyes. : ]
^but you are eyeless also i like MOH i thought that was a good one but also James bond also 13 the PS2 and Xbox game i got it for only 99P lol
good one sexy... anyways.. i just remembered. star wars battlefront was fun. and if KOTR 2 counts i loved that too..
I think part of the reason why everybody loves halo so much is just the way the characters look and move in multiplayer. Unlike in games like quake, where you guys legs would be moving slow yet you would go 200 miles an hour, halo seemed to have it's animations and speed correct for your character. The rag doll animations were great, you could see your feet if you looked down, and your head would move with where ever you were looking. It was almost like you were playing as a virtual person, and it was actually fun to not always just be killing people. Gears of war WOULD have been the best, if it did not have bullet lag. Whenever your not host, your bullet comes out of the barrel like 3 seconds after you pull the trigger. I don't care how good the connection was; it was annoying as ****. I don't blame the creators though because they added in multi player at the last second. It's gonna be fixed in gears 2. For all of the noobs who don't know what I mean, go here. It won't let me embed it. YouTube - GOW, The beauty of bullet lag. A really good old shooter was James Bond Nightfire for the Ps2. When everyone else was playing halo 1, I was playing that. It had a little thing called bots in multiplayer. Since Ps2 didn't have live, and I was stuck on dial up at the time, it was like a godsend to find an actual good shooter that I could play multiplayer in. No other games had bots. If it did, it's graphics sucked, or it just wasn't fun. EDIT: Yes battle front did come out too later, but it wasn't necessarily a first person shooter. Nightfire was the closest thing you could find to halo for the ps2. You could make custom games, play capture the flag, king of the hill, assassination and more.
This has to be seperated into two catagories: Online play and Offline play. Online: Games that can be played online against other people, basically "new school" Offline: The old 4 player multiplayer shenanigans......"old school" games. Offline: Goldeneye and Halo CE; they reinvented the genre. Online: Halo much innovation with forge and all the other online features. Games will be following its lead for years to come.
Ya'll are really overlooking some potential could've been possibly maybe in another lifetime shooters here. Like Donkey Kong 64. Who remembers those pineapple bazooka's and ****? Oh man, killing people with fruit? Shits tight. So what it's not technically a shooter? But if you want to get real techinical, then yeah possibly Goldeneye64, or Doom. Oh man, Doom? I still wet my pants every time I play.
That game was a lot of fun! I think that was the last james bond game to come out that was in first person....which was very dissapointing. Red Faction was another really good shooter for PS2....they're making a new one....but its in 3rd person....sigh. I'm not a fan of 3rd person shooters...never have been.
Yeah the only third person shooter that was actually good was Star Wars Battlefront 2... I wish The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker was a shooter because that would be the best hands down
Bow down and pay respect to the grandfather of FPS's, and consequently the first FPS I ever played, Wolfenstein 3D.