The best of forge was fixed so that certain maps won. I was i the shoutbox when Mallet and Shock Theta was planning to cancel peoples votes so that a certain map won. In other words, this site is a ****-hole.
Why are you having a hissy fit over some maps which you didn't like getting featured? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't set up the Best of Forge, does it really matter who wins?
Okay I agree with you Tom but I remember being in the IRC Chat and it was 4 days before the end of Best of Forge round 1, and I can't rmember who it was but they said that they were counting the votes for each topic, then when another person said but there is four days left to go, the 1st person said yes, but if I do it now then at least the results won't be revealed late for round 2. Then I said but what about those who haven't voted for some random reason, and what if they vote but it doesn't count but it would have changed round 2 if it does count. The person 1 said 'Oh ****, we should have said this in staff chat.
There were people creating new accounts just to get a vote in. The main issue was the best race map, yet wallrider still won. There is no "rigging" here.
nothing got rigged. the polls are there showing who voted for what and how many votes for each map. go see for yourself. Hint: click the number of votes next to the map so it shows you exactly who voted for what. I can't believe you actually thought this was rigged. What a joke