Hey Guys! I just played the best Living Dead game ever. I just was owning in my warthog in the turret. I got a truck load of medals through out the game. Below this will be the list of medals i got through out the game, and then ill link you to a video you need to download to your xbox 360. (Video of my 4 minutes of pwnage) Medals: 19x Beat Downs 13x Double Kills 6x Triple Kills 4x Zombie Killing Spree 3x Over Kills 3x Kill Joys 2x Hell's Janitor 2x Assassin 1x Last Man Standing 1x Running Riot 1x Rampage That is 55 medals in 1 game. That was about the best game I played. I also got the best player in the game. Tool Of Destruction: Warthog M41 LAAG Go to this link below, and download it from my File Share. Then go on to your xbox 360 and watch it. You will be amazed, as it is very awesome. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36487664 Hope You Enjoy!
probably should be moved to halo discussion, not general chat. but nice game, the best i've gotten outta that playlist is a kilimanjaro, but AZN FTW was involvd in it. TWICE.
this kind-of needs to be in the halo discussion, but this games pretty decent, I still enjoy the bootleg-get all your freinds and recent players in here so we can eat their flesh- infection opposed to the -lets tk because bungie failed to put a boot feature in the playlist- version in mm