My favorite HS was in GoW too. I had just picked up a sniper and there were two of us left against the whole entire team on Rooftops, I heard a guy sprinting behind me, he jumped down from the steps and i turned around and quickscoped his head off. He went flying back and slumped against the wall, it was EPIC.
GoW just makes for some insane headshots, every single one is epic. heads don't normally explode in most games. haha.
I'm horrible at sniping in most games. But once.. I was playing Gears of War with my friend. All boomshot but one sniper.. which I grabbed for whatever reason. I was aiming at somebody coming up some stairs on Escalation. As soon as my friend rolls down the stairs right next to me, I fire. His head explodes as he's upside down and we both instantly begin to laugh histarically. Also, on Halo 3, I grabbed the sniper in the pit and was walking towards the middle. I noticed somebody on my radar and turn around. I shot instantly, and got a bulltrue. He was lunging at me with the sword and as I turned around and sniped him. I was in awe.
Okay, this is going to be hard to explain. In the pit, i just finished killing somebody with the sniper, you know shot-smack combo. So there I am, reloading with low health...beep beep beep beep Then somebody spawns directly in front of me. I look at him, and he looks at me, and I just think, "Oh...Thanks Bungie!" So I line up for a head shot, but he hits me with one assault rifle bullet, and my scope goes down, and so as a final attempt to hit him at least once, a split second after he hits my scope down, I squeeze the trigger, not even aiming at him... and he falls to the ground... a shiny Medal appears. I was speechless because I didn't know how I killed him. So I go into the theatre, and watch the video. My bullet shot straight into the ground, (But this being halo 3) the bullet ricocheted off the floor and nailed him in the face. BOOM HEADSHOT
I was on Valhalla near one of the caves areas. I was right in the middle of the cave when a guy walked in. I noscoped him in the head. In the meantime a hog driver came through the background and my shot went through the guy in the cave and hit the hog driver in the head as well giving me a noscope double headshot. Also I would check out this clip.. Not me or anything but watch the number 2 clip. A guy is on valhalla. Two guys from the opposing team go up the opposite man cannon. One is on his way down. The other is on his way up. One shot hits them both in the head. -Perfect timing.-
was having a forge battle on foundry and the enemy was walking around the map, i had a sniper, and i was on a floating platform, so as he is walking his buddy spawns next to him so i snipe the guy i was looking at and it misses and bounces off the floor and hits his partner in the face. I got the snipe kill. It was epic.
i was at a gears tournament and it was me vs 3 other guys on canals, i waited for the sniper to spawn and picked it up, i headshoted one kid that was aross the map, then i heard a chainsaw rev so i turn to the right and shot, i no scoped the kid in the face and then downed the last kid with a active, the team we were playing were pissed lol
I dunno if this counts, but i was playing timeshift and i threw a reverse time bubble down right as a guy tried to snipe me, the bullet went into the bubble,turned around and sniped the sniper