Post your best/ craziest headshots that you have ever seen or done, pics are nice and videos are excelent Mine would have to be when i was playing gears and i was the last man left against 2 of my friends. I was in a corner and one guy came up from the right, but i wanted to concentrate my fire on the guy coming from strait in front of my so i fired my sniper rifle at the guy on the right to put him back in cover and when i fired he was mid-dive, basically in the super-man position when my no-scoped random bullet went under his body as he rolled and hit him in the head, it was hilarious. I was laughing so hard, the guy i was playing with jumped on me and started choking me calling me a stupid hacker, i could do nothing but laugh, it was awesome.
[img width=800 height=450][/img] I've done that a few times. The double kill/ Double headshot thing never gets old. It's not quite as exciting wen you watch the replay from different angles and wonder why the 2nd guy died. But still cool nonetheless.
playing shotty snipers (yes, my map that i never win at ), i was about to noscope someone, hes shotgunned in the back by someone on my team, i noscope betray the guy right thru the head, and then it hits someone all the way across the map and headshots him too! so i got 0 points
That was a triple kill yes, but only two-headshots where registered. The 3rd was just a splash kill on the guy with no shields.
I havent posted a pic on this forum yet so, I'll need some help there, but Ive got a double kill headshot. I was only aiming for the first guy, and he was far away, and right when I got his head scoped out, my teammate (that just spawned) walks right infront of me. It only said I got one headshot medal, but it did also say Double kill. (on my teammate?) From then on, I've been trying to get higher multi-kill medals by betraying, but, unfortunately, I only get booted. EDIT: I got a pic in now. The blue head is mine, and I was going to snipe the guy over by rocket spawn when by teammate spawns and walks in front of me... BUT it was a double kill!!
Actually, it was. There's a thing that Halo 3 does where it will only show up to four medals on screen at once, and for some reason the third snipe medal doesn't show up. I replicated the scenario in a custom game and it showed the same thing, even though the players killed all had on their screen "Doctor Manlove sniped you." Just a weird thing it does. Glad you like.
I no-scoped Insane54 riding brokeback on a Mongoose yesterday. I know that's not amazing or anything, I just had to post it somewhere, and why not the headshot thread? ;D
omfg that was crazy dude...but they think i was on the mongoose...for some reason, he was staying in the back of a mongoose with a snipe (dont ask me...), and shot me in like midjump or something i dont remember but wow...i shoulda saved that...
Gears of war: I killed the entire other team with 4 headshots. I think 3 of them were no-scope. They weren't moving still either. If only GoW had save films back then...
Halo PC: I was jumping from one side of that bridge to the other on Chillout. I jumped a bit early and knew I wasn't going to make it. Someone came through the teleporter right before I started falling and head shotted him. As I was falling I managed to snipe anothe guy on the ground that was coming around a corner. Man I miss Halo 1's sniper. It had almost no delay in between shots. If you were good it actually was an excellent short range weapon for no scopes.
[img width=444 height=333][/img] Shotty Snipers on Higher Ground
I shot the first guy in the head and then the bullet from the same shot preceded to go through the other two guys and i finished them off with a BR for the triple kill.
I was playing Lone Wolves and we got Ninjaball. The dude was at 99 and we did not know where he was. I had a Sniper and I just started shooting randomly. From the sniper tower on Guardian all the way to the camo spawn, I mistakenly shot him in the head and took the Juggernaut, only to win.
It was in CoD4 I was prone w/ sniper(of course) and there was a dead body a little bit in front of me a guy on the other side of the map went prone behind(from my perspective) the body and i just randomly shot thru the body and got the headshot (it was w/ the Dragnov) ive also done the noscope to a guy rolling on Gears
Basically was playing over at a friends house(XBL doesnt work at my house, getting it fixed tommorow) on his account(He was playing WoW, as his gamertag implies) and i score this shot: AND IT REGISTERS A HS AND KILLS THAT GUY. i basically quickscoped from beach and was shot instantly(body shot so the aim moved somewhat, this screenshot is taken in the split second before the aim zoomed out) and then i moved in behind a rock, then like 3 secs later the sniper medal shows up, and im like WTF and go watch it in theatre and that screenie is the best i could capture. I have a vid of the shot saved on his harddrive
My favorite headshot was in GoW. I was playing a social clan match on the map canals with my friends against one of my friend's friend's team who were very good. Well it came down to the last round when my entire team was wiped out, except for me. I proceeded to miraculously take out three guys with my shotgun. Then the last guy came around the corner with the torque bow, my weapon of choice. I took cover and started crapping my pants. I shot at him with the sniper, not my weapon of choice, to force him under cover so that I could get active reloads. He did the same with that explosive bow of doom. So there we were not but 10 feet from each other blind covering firing at each other with two power weapons. This lasted about, minute one of the longest minutes of my life, I was sweating profously and I was tense. When I stood up to shoot at him he would fire the torque at me and almost got me several times. Well I got my fifth avtive in a row and it was my second to last shot of my sniper. I stood up and did the fastest quick scope ever while he was in cover and he plugged me wiht the bow in the gut and I was like !@#$. I shot at a target the size of an inch and luckily for me it was the crown of his head. I killed him and the round ended right when the arrow exploded. In the postgame lobby my team mates cheered me on and were telling me how they were yelling there lungs out the whole time.
it was GoW. on escalation and i was at the top, i saw a guy in the corner and he started sprinting (perpendicularly to me). i timed it right and sure enough his head was gone in mid-sprint. then there were always the typical noscopes and lucky shots but that one was my favorite.