What's the best halo map in you opinion? And why, this could be made by either bungie or user made, please don't say blood gulch because I'm trying to see what's the most liked thing in halo maps and I don't see what bg got going for it.
Terminal and Relic on Halo 2 Oh, and user made would have to be Help's on the way, right? Very inspiring to me.
Halo Discussion Forum? Anywho: Blood Gulch started everything. It made you feel like you were on a real battlefield and the map supported tons of different environments- close quarters in the rocks and caves, med range on the front and long range around the cliffs and trees + all of the vehicles you can imagine. Headlong makes a good second because it is different from everything else. It showed that a BTB maps that are tall are better than other maps that are just big. It was the lockout of BTB.
The original heretic in halo 2, Lockout, Blood Gulch, Guardian. Never get tired of playing on any of those.
My favorite Bungie made map would have to be Hang 'Em High in the original Halo, mainly because it was the map i played the most and the design interested me more then any map. My favorite user made map would have to be Prismer because it made my dreams of playing of playing Hang 'Em High comes true, its wasnt exactly Hang 'Em High but it also had some Prisoner aspects to it.
Assembly and Valhalla. I've had overall the most fun on those maps to tell the truth, deadly original stuff.
Blood gultch revolutionized BTB. And FFA was never better then on Ivory Tower. Played both the other day actually. Just fantastic.
Lockout. that map never got old. and i also like valhalla and guardian. they're just straight up FUN. and im gonna be a loser and say sandbox. just cuz its great for forge.
Boarding action, it was so complex and had two sides which mixed up gameplay alot. Long and short range mostly damnation is the best, ALL types of combat areas, short, med, long, and alot of vertical gameplay which mAde it seem really halo
Depends on the gametype for BTB it's Blood Gultch, or Valhala. SWAT definetly its Orbital. I was always a big fan of Headlong, and would love to see Bungie remake Boarding Party. For Customs (barring my own awesome maps) Gridlocked is an all time favorite, also alot of the great conquest maps. ManRayX LV-426SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT
Hang 'em High, all the way. Just the right size, open space, closed spaces, balanced weapon layout, combat on the ground, combat on the walkways, interesting geometry, it's just a blender of awesome gameplay. In my mind, no multiplayer map in any game has surpassed it.