P90 with stopping power and red dot and bandolier... Or an Ak47 with stopping power or with red dot and bandolier
Sniper: Barret .50 Cal (yeah I know its the last one, but it truly is the best). Until you get that one, I'd recommend staying with the first one. Assualt: M16. I got red tiger and acog with that thing in like 3 days. M4 is also pretty good. SMG: MP5 is really good. That's the one I used a lot. LMG: Don't bother. They're all horrible and take forever to reload. Shotguns: Just use the first till you get the second. Yeah I haven't played this game in a few months, so I might've gotten some names wrong. I just remember back when I borrowed this game from my friend (for like 6 months) those are what I pwned with. And I did pwn.
Either use the sleight of hand perk or dont reload until you know its clear and in a safe spot. The RPD is Scarface's weapon if he played COD4 so you know its good.
When I'm playing seriously I use the MP5, or when I'm playing Search and Destroy, when I'm messing around I use M16, or I find it fun trying to no scope with the m40. EY!!!!
in my opinion, the .50 cal is terrible, along with all the snipers except for the m40. m40 with acog, stopping power, martyrdom, and claymores rocks huge ****(good). you take down anyone in one shot(except the occasional juggernaut kid), and you can aim so fast and, for me, accurately that whenever i see someone aiming at me i always take them down first. then once people get pissed off enough to come and knife i get 2 claymore kills, then a martyrdom. at least an airstrike everytime(if i get to a spot).
I don't play anymore, but I remember my two favorites were mp5 red dot, and when I had it, P90 red dot with double tap. One tap, and your done lol.
is m40 that first sniper? because thats exactly what i do (Different perks though) and the draganouv is great in hardcore
The m16 is without a doubt, the battle rifle of call of duty 4. It works for all ranges, and is a 1 hit kill with deep impact. Now, is it the most fun to use? No. So i don't use it.
I haven't lost a Death match yet while using the RPD I usualy go possitive 20 each game anyways but it seems the RPD is the most powerful weapon in COD 4 and has good ammo capacity firerate is good and I can honestly say not even the M16 can stand up to its power.