Week Three Previous Weeks Best Featured Maps-Week One Best Featured Maps-Week TwoLegend: Darker Blue=Link Red=Text This is Best Featured Maps- Week Two, Brought to you by A SouthPark Kid. So heres how it works, every week people all around Forgehub will be commenting on which one and one only, Best Featured Map there is out of the five I provide you, they will all be competitve, non 2v2 Maps, and MLG maps read the paragraph "special" for more details. Heres what you do for every week take a look, or play the maps, then leave a comment, and possibly description on your favorite featured map out of the five. Remember only comment once of your favorite featured map. Winner- The Winner will get one of the pictures from there map will be put into one letter of the title at the top (BFM). They Also will get the Main Picture posted below this paragraph. The Winner Best Featured Maps-Week Two is Ramparts by Bl00D F1R3. Many voted Ramparts for the Creative design and fun gamplay. Some said, "I choose Ramparts for its Layout and great Overall Map." Project Z lost by one vote, so it was a very close battle but Ramparts won it. I would like to thank Bl00D F1R3 for his map and not voting it, and Congrats to you Bl00d F1R3! Ramparts Ramparts 7 votes Project Z 6 votes Breakneck 2 votes Urban 1 votes Odeum 0 votes That was the winner of forgehubs Best Featured Maps week Two. This week, like most of the up to come weeks I will have most of the five recently featured maps, then move down in the line up. This week The five maps I will be presenting you will be the following below: Vertebraille-By Thesilencebroken The Ire of Fire-By Felipe dos&Debo37 MLG Impact-By Kon Artist Gridlocked-By Draw the Line Sapphire- By Chipsinabox That is week one of the first five maps! Special- Mostly i will be leaving five competitive maps, but some weeks I will have minigame, racetrack, but Im not going to put Casual, or Aesthetic maps in. Time Left:8/29/08 extended to 9/12/08 Rules: Only Post Once Post only about the Topic No Spamming like always Keep your post clean Dont give the people who made the loosing maps a hard time Make sure you have played and, or looked at the Maps. Dont vote after the thread has ended, your votes wont count, but you can still comment on the thread. -Very Simple Rules Sponsors- I Have sponsored DRiSCROLL, for making the picture with the title in it. (BFM). If you want to be sponsored message me, and tell me what you can do to be sponsored. I took the base of the idea from Mallet's "Sig of the Week (SOTW)." Thankyou everyone for reading I hope you enjoyed. All the Best, -A SouthPark Kid
Vertebraille, that map was so creative and there were alot of new things in that map, it also made him Premium.
Im going with Sapphire, The design is incredible and the gamplay is super dooper fun. Allthough Vertebraille was about tied with Sapphire.
vertabraille, definately, because this map got him out there even more! Silencebroken made this map amazingly well, with precision, and just desrved it!
no way, i read tht and was like hmm guess gridlocked is gonna win another award, but not yet!, vertibraile, if i spelled it right, is winning 3 to 1, and with my vote, now 4-1