[aname=c5][/aname] Week Four Previous Weeks Best Featured Maps-Week One Best Featured Maps-Week Two Best Featured Maps-Week Three ___________________________ Winner's Gallery Legend: Darker Blue=Link Red=Text Purple=Important Paragraphs Navigation [jumpto=c1]Instuctions[/jumpto] [jumpto=c2]The Winner of Week Three[/jumpto] [jumpto=c3]The 5 Maps[/jumpto] [jumpto=c4]Ads/Sponsors[/jumpto] [jumpto=c6]To the Bottem[/jumpto] This is Best Featured Maps- Week Two, Brought to you by A SouthPark Kid. So heres how it works, every week people all around Forgehub will be commenting on which one and one only, Best Featured Map there is out of the five I provide you, they will all be competitive, non 2v2 Maps, and MLG maps. Only Foundry Maps will be selected due to the number of featured and dominated maps made on Foundry. Read the paragraph "special" for more details. [aname=c1]Instructions,[/aname] for every week take a look, or play the maps, then leave a comment, and possibly description on your favorite featured map out of the five. Remember only comment once of your favorite featured map. Important: Please make it somewhat easy for me to find your answer, if your going to type something long please make your answer in bold. Winner- The Winner will get one of the pictures from there map will be put into one letter of the title at the top (BFM). Good Rep. They Also will get the Main Picture posted below this paragraph. [aname=c2]The Winner[/aname] of Best Featured Maps-Week Three is Vertebraille by thesilencebroken. Many people voted Vertebraille for the amazing design and gameplay. Some said, "Vertebraille awesome map as simple as that." Although Gridlocked has won many awards this time Vertebraille won. I would like to say Vertebraille is great map with incredible gamplay. Congrats thesilencebroken. Winning Map: Vertebraille Vertebraille has won Best Fetured Maps-Week Three! Vertebraille 5 votes Sapphire 2 votes Gridlocked 2 votes MLG Impact 1 votes The Ire of Fire 0 votes That was the winner of forgehubs Best Featured Maps-Week Three. This week, like most of the up to come weeks I will have most of the five recently featured maps, then move down in the line up. This week The five maps I will be presenting you will be the following below: [aname=c3]The 5 Maps:[/aname] Temple of Atlas-By American10 & Sir Toppum Hat1 MLG Phylum-By CRO553D Project S-By Tex & Shad0w Viper Temple Nights-By PegasiDelta Jedwali- By The Yellow & De5troy999 That is week one of the first five maps! Special- Mostly i will be leaving five competitive maps, but some weeks I will have minigame, racetrack, but Im not going to put Casual, or Aesthetic maps in. Time Remaining: 9/8/08-9/14/08 Rules: Only Post Once Post only about the Topic No Spamming like always Keep your post clean Dont give the people who made the loosing maps a hard time Make sure you have played and, or looked at the Maps. -Very Simple Rules [aname=c4]Ads:[/aname] Bl00D F1R3'S Template Contest! Hey Have you seen Bl00D F1R3's Contest? Its a forging contest, it takes skill to do! Basically he gives you a map that he already started and you finish it! Then he judges the maps, Best part is that your allowed to post it to! So you get an easy way at making a cool map, and you could win rep! If your intrested check it out Here!. Thanks ______________________________________________________________ Sponsors- I Have sponsored DRiSCROLL for graphics, and B100D F1R3 for advertizing me. If you want to be sponsored message me, and tell me what you can do to be sponsored. I took the base of the idea from Mallet's "Sig of the Week (SOTW)." Thankyou everyone for reading I hope you enjoyed. All the Best, -A SouthPark Kid [aname=c6][jumpto=c5]To the Top[/jumpto][/aname]
Temple Nights only cuz I reviewed it then it got featured =p Well its a great map too and I like it a lot
I vote Project S. I know its not the most popular of the project maps, but me and my friends always enjoy it and its just beautiful to look at.
I agree with Sdraculich on the fact that Project S does have a great layout. It has my vote now. It is a great map.
Grrr to all the people who voted for Temple of Atlas. My vote goes to Project S. It has been made beautifully, amazing aesthetics and wonderful gameplay. One of the better 2v2 maps to have ever been made.