I think I beat Ganon in like less than 5 minutes. Like I said, easy. Thanks a lot though. You're tempting me to beat Twilight Princess again. I love the game but I don't usually like repeating games of that complexity. It was easy but complex and super long. I could however repeat a game like Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past. I've beat that game like 1000 times already and I'm not about to quit. I used a guide for a couple parts. I didn't want to take any chances and get stuck and have to start the whole game over again. I've had that happen before in Ocarina of Time.
EWW who uses guides while playing the game? I use it to get all the bonus crap. Then I spilled coke on mine, cost me 30 bucks.........
I beat Ganon in less than 5 minutes but I never said I beat the whole game in less than a half an hour. It took me a few days.
Um... if you can't beat Ganon in less than a half an hour, you're not very good, or you don't take risks. Oh by the way I'm sorry I mis-wrote it, I beat Ganondorf in less than 5 minutes. I finished the ENTIRE battle in maybe 15-20 minutes... maybe 25 minutes.
Darth Vader from Star Wars. He's Awesome! >:] Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot. The Hive Mind and Kendra from Dead Space. Dimitri from Grand Theft Auto IV. I was soooooo happy when I killed him in the last mission. (GTA 4) Green Goblin/Doctor Octavious in SpiderMan. The Baron from Jak 2. I don't care no more.
Not wrong 1. Although there based off each other there not the same and eggman isnt ginger. 2. They dont have the same last name. Dr. ROBOTNIK Dr. EGGMAN
Uuuh, yes they are. Dont get me started, Ill trow my Sonic the Hedgehog Fanness all up on your grill. Nobody knows Sonic like I do, only reason im not showing it in these forums is cause we already have a Sonic Wannabe... *points at Yavi*