Onyxia in World of Warcraft. Its a different type of fight, and I believe it took 20 people to down him back in the day. It took an immense amount of communication and skill, each person having their own assigned tasks throughout the whole fight. Check it out. YouTube - World of Warcraft Onyxia fight Note that this is in the current edition of the game, obviously making the fight a lot easier. Usually many many party wipes occurred before actually being able to down him.
Greatest Video Game I have ever played, for the Sega Dreamcast. If any current leading game company were to pick it up and make a sequel, or simply re-make it, that would be kickass. Theres a thread I made about it a while back, use the search bar
Thats why i've never heard of that game i've only played a Sega Dreamcast like once or twice.:squirrel_evil:
There are a lot of Boss Battles that I've enjoyed, but my #i has to be the end of Sonic 3 with Sonic and Knuckles lock on (it was an expansion to Sonic 3, in a way) for the Sega Genesis' last two boss fights. The last stage itself was a boss fight, and it was one of a kind. It had great music, a challenge, and was fun. Here's a video of someone doing my childhood goal in less than 5 minutes. YouTube - Sonic 3 and Knuckles: Last boss and doomsday zone Other notable boss fights are: -Gears of War: General RAAM -Portal: GLaDOS -Wolfenstien 3d: Mecha-Hitler -DOOM: Cyber Demon
my vote goes for Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Haunted Mansion. they're kindof kids games and i havent played them in years, but they still stick with me. no-one makes boss battles quite like Nintendo.
Metal Sonic was a pretty badassed boss. When chaos had all the emeralds in Sonic Adventure 2 I almost **** my pants. And uh, Toy Commander Definitely had the best bosses out of all the games I've ever played.
Beserker battle from gears of war one. that was intense. and seeing it rip your buddy apart didn't help