I'm looking to start farming Terramorphous properly tonight, I have the Bee and an alternative to the orange shotgun that everybody uses, I'll post the loot when I'm done.
It doesn't have a scripted name, but it does something like 7090x18 damage with 11.7 fire rate and 7 rounds in a mag, but it takes 4 ammo per shot.
Tried farming varkid bosses last night. Got some gold rocket from a chubby one, but we couldn't get the ultimate badasses to morph into supreme badasses. I tried getting the Hive from saturn but it's his only gold drop so it could take a while. [br][/br]Edited by merge: weirdest thing i've found in a while. Instantaneous recharge? Spoiler
Something like my Rustler's Quad? Spoiler And WOOOOO!!!!! Hellquist dropped me a Bee last night I joined my buddy's game with it and I was stomping stuff that was six levels ahead of me, whilst he was slogging through at normal pace - it was awesome
Matty, where are you getting all this orange loot from? I recently acquired the orange shield someone else found, It's pretty beast.