Hey, i actually stumped in that quest in lynchwood, saw the little skag chained and thought i might unchain him, but it was an quest. Thanks now i will finish it for sure, i first was too busy with robbing the bank and finishing the sheriff.
Wow, that are some nicee guns. I just love revolvers and magnums, and i see ya got an good one there But you are like 10-15 lvls higher then me.
I think I got that gun, but I sold it. I can't wait to see what the playthrough two loot does near the end of the game. So far I've got the shield from the famous "Dave" quest, 12k shields FTW.
Man, i met Angel, and was a bit sad at that moment, people who have finished the story probaly know what i mean. It turned the story quite a bit around for me. I really want to finish my halo reach campaign map, but borderlands 2 wont let me, its so awesome i cant wait till i get further and further into the story. And btw, did anyone do the quest for a robot named "Mal"? He wants to be human, pretty weird quest, colled body parts for him and clothes And i visited jack,s grandmother, wich was an weird quest too, but both in a good way i guess.
Okay, so I'm level 23 (playing on xbox) and here's the best I've found so far. Spoiler ^Nova shield with a singularity effect attached to the nova ^Awesome sniper - pretty much perfect accuracy while scoped, despite being Hyperion. E-tech makes it shoot a beam that penetrates multiple targets and bounces off surfaces. Clip is a little tight though, as it uses two rounds per shot and therefore only holds three shots without +mag skills. ^ Decent little e-tech pistol my wife found and didn't want. Good power, but only fires three shots and it's the whole delayed explosion needler business. Not bad for starting a fight, as the baddies don't seem to go aggro until the needles detonate. ^ insane 'shotgun' that actually works more like a triple-barreled grenade launcher. Fires balls of electricity in a ballistic arc. Ridiculously powerful and really useful for getting second winds or just stomping on badasses. And lastly, ^My baby. I loved the minigun ARs right from the get-go. The first one I found back in the single digit levels was my go-to gun for anything shorter than sniper rifle range. I've had quite a few, but this one really rocks, and it's the first purple one I've seen. The RoF is a little slow at first, but that works out nicely as it gives you a little more control for the little guys that only take one or two shots. Anything that can handle more than that much damage gets mowed one the RoF picks up. The accuracy is way better than any other non-burst minigun I've seen, and the scope is perfect. I got the sniper by farming the red chest in Highlands Overlook, the minigun and the uber-shotty from the golden chest, and the e-tech pistol from a random red chest. The shield I found on a bandit in an odd little house. It was very strange - he didn't attack me, but was aggro. It was a lone structure with a door on the back and windows on the front next to a ramp in the Old Dahlwell Oasis near the catch-a-ride. You can see it here at about 17:30
That shield is bloody brilliant for a level 23. I wish I found orange loot before level 40, it would have made my run through the first playthrough so much better.
Good loot does make getting to higher levels more fun. I think that's why they gave us the golden chest. Oh, and to be fair I'm probably a little under-leveled for the loot that I have - I have a tendency to farm and just go loot hunting, so I don't get as much exp per time played as a lot of people. Basically I play a couple hours of quests each night with my wife, and grind loot when I have free time but she doesn't.
Damn! I want that revolver and shotgun, so bad. That is really awesome loot, im just lvl 33 though, for me it still is going to take some time before i can defeat Terramorphous.
Yesterday after I got to level 50 on Zer0, I joined a random game on XBL and it was a bunch of guys duping guns/gear. There were only two other guys in the game while I was there, and they were ****ing around on the other side of sanctuary completely leaving their pile of orange loot unattended. So, as any respectable person would do, I swiped all their orange **** to stop 'em from duping it all and quit out of the game. I'm now armed with almost entirely orange gear and those dummies can't even dupe it any more! I'll try to get my capture card working so I can take some decent quality pictures. Otherwise, I'll just post the stats.
Man.. then to think i never seen a orange gun in the game, and i am on my second playthrough! You are pretty lucky.
Yeah, swiping somebody's loot heap is kinda weak.. And how do you know they were duping? Was somebody quitting and joining repeatedly? I have a tendency to puke my nice gear when I'm in Sanctuary for my buddies to look at, as I trust them not to scoop it. Guess I'll have to be careful if I go on public matches. So had a couple decent drops last night. Had the Splinter Group drop an Incendiary Stormfront, but I didn't get a screenshot. It was lvl 13, so I gave it to my buddy who's lvl 14. He went full nub and was like, "my green generic level 10 bandit grenade is better damage..." lol *sigh* - people Anyhow - burned a golden key and got this; Spoiler And this is the other random stuff I've come across recently; Spoiler ^and yes, that's a lvl 1 Hornet - went back on a whim to stomp on Knuckledragger and he dropped it on the first try lol
I'm jelly. I've not found any orange loot yet and I burned my Golden Key early on without realizing that the box would only open once. I have a deep hate for all Hyperion weapons. They're so useless when it comes to hitting anything. I don't understand why they're so retardedly inaccurate and sway so much. What's the point of using them? What's the order for rarity again? Is it Green Purple Blue Orange or the other way round for Blue and Purple?
hyperion weapons get more accurate as you fire. and purple is the most rarest, orange are legendary weapons/mods associated with certain bosses.
Oranges are pretty rare. I've farmed pretty hard for a couple of them. The only ones that have popped out easily for me have been really low level. As for Golden Keys, are you enrolled in Shift and watching Randy Pitchford's twitter account? Hyperion weapons aren't so bad. The shotties can be really effective, as the reverse bloom is mitigated by the range, and the snipers are accurate to their reticules, so it can be worth the extra power etc. if you can tolerate some sway on the first shot. Gotta get ones with decent clips and RoFs though. And rarity goes White-Green-Blue-Purple-Orange, and the Magenta E-Techs are technically in the blue-purple rarity range I think. I like to think of it as Waste or inventory space, Garbage, Basic ****, Proper gear, and Optimal gear lol. And the Mangled ****. I can't hit anything with 90% of the e-techs I've found. The snipers don't seem to register, the shotties seem random, the rockets are retarded arc-firing random ball spraying chaos, and the pistols are needlers without the ridiculous Halo autoaim (so, useless). My e-tech CR isn't terrible though.