
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DekuScrubby, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. DekuScrubby

    DekuScrubby Forerunner

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    Hey all!

    This is a map I've spent a lot of time getting right and compatible with virtually all gametypes, excluding Invasion and Race gametypes. I'm really proud of it. It uses half of the Island and consists of a small complex where Red team spawns, a little outpost on the beach where Blue team spawns and some other buildings dotted around the map where various other teams spawn should they be required - it's fully compatible with multi-team and works very well with it, I had one a couple of nights ago and it was tons of fun. There are power weapons on the map, a Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle and Energy Sword, but they're not tremendously difficult to find and aren't in any ridiculous positions (i.e Sniper Rifle right next to the high walkway or something like that). The high walkway is a good sniping spot if you can get it up there, but there's plenty of cover so don't worry about getting murdered at spawn. There's also a grav lift in the center of the map to give speedy access to the balcony as an added method of dispatching of enemy snipers.

    I've had some awesome games on this, both free-for-all, teams, multi teams, 3v3 etc and everything has worked out great. I'm completely pleased with it and I hope you give it a whirl. Images below.


    View from the bunker on a rock near Blue spawn. From here you have a good view of Red base up by the Colosseum wall, the high walkway, the central rock arch and over my left shoulder you can see the building where the Sword spawns.

    The Rocket Launcher spawns over on top of that circular bunker. Here you can also see the grav lift that will launch you up to the balcony.

    View under the high bridge of the Red base. It's accessed by either jetpacking up there or climbing the tower to the left of the screen.

    The second building of Red base. A DMR spawns just outside here.

    (Just fixed a small bug where the Red team goal did not spawn in Stockpile. New version up)

    19.10.10 (New version up, fixed Rocket ammo and slightly repositioned sniper rifle)
    #1 DekuScrubby, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010

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