Foundry Beryllium

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by itzHavey, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. itzHavey

    itzHavey Ancient
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    Map creator: iTz Havey

    Game supported: 3v3 team slayer/6 ffa

    Weapon/equipment list:
    1 rocket
    2 snipers
    6 br
    3 ar
    2 smg
    1 plasma pistol
    4 frag
    6 plasma
    1 powerdrain
    1 bubble
    1 camo

    Brief Description:
    Hey guys this is my first map post, and I'm sure none of you know me. I've done a lot of forging and have watched the forging 101 and bl00d f1r3's school videos, so I've learned a lot, even though im not an expert. This is only my second map ever completley finished. I would like critism but not a lot of horrible cristism =). I hope you guys enjoy it!

    This map is asymetrical. It is a great map for 2v2 and 3v3. Also 6 person FFA. It has a good center peice, and has good cover. With its many twists and turns, routes and jumps, and fun gameplay I think this map deserves a chance.

    Special thanks to:

    josh d havey
    locus 1
    back f0r more
    banana 1
    for helping me test.


  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This map is perfectly forged, but lacks the gameplay. On this map it has absolutely no cover whatsoever. This would be almost feature worthy if it had better gameplay. The thing is the sniper is going to destroy on this map. there is no where to hide. Just some recommendations. I am hoping for a v2 that may make it to a feature
  3. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    This design is really cool and nice interlocking by the way but on the ground it seems a little empty. I dont know but that's what I saw when I played it real fast. And no gametype. This map would be awesome if you created a descent gametype.
  4. itzHavey

    itzHavey Ancient
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    thanks a lot for the comments guys, and i am making a v2 comming out soon

    JASONYO Ancient
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    dude, way to open. from one point, u can c every other point. u have to think of these things when ur making a map. to fix this: 1st, perfect interlocking doesn't add to gameplay always, it may b nice on the eyes, but it is not always necessary 2nd, u can up large imposing structures have are tall and wide to break up the points of view. this leads to more strategic plays and the ability to recover from being hurt. if a person is getting shot at the only place to go is down, and u can see almost all of the ground too from any spot. really this map just needs a makeover with more levels and intricate design
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    It looks to me like this map has the fill-ins for a great competitive map. This map has great potential but what I think you need to do is make a v2 and this time add some unique structures to the map and get some height to it. Right now the map looks very open to me and by adding these structures it should look very nice. And by how v2 turns out, it has a chance to be featured in my opinion
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this map looks really well forged, but it seems like its missing a verticle aspect. its just two floors, when it seems like a third would add a great deal in terms of gameplay. it also seems like this map could use a ghost to mix things up.
  8. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    ahhh... I like would like this map alot if it had cover. Basically from the above posts what everybody is trying to say is that you NEED COVER. That means putting a door on some of the platforms. adding a asthetic tower to your map and breaking the line of sight (which means not being able to see across the entire map and shooting the enemy). I have got to hand it to you that this map is not bad but it is very creative. To me it seems like you finished the foundation of the map and now you just need to work on the spacifics. If you look at some featured maps/mlg maps you can easliy steal some ideas and make the map look SO much better. Now don't get my wrong, you DON'T need to delete anything on the map, just add walls. I give this a 3/5.
    I hoped this helped.
  9. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    This map caught my eye simply because I had to do a science project on Beryllium. The map looks like it would support good gameplay, but there seems to be a lack of cover on the ground portion of the map. There seems to be a bridge crossing an entire open area. Also, this map does not have much to boast about in terms of ascetics. However, this map if forged well and looks fairly thought out. I would add cover to the ground floor, and if possible try to make the map a little more appealing and pleasant to the eye.
  10. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    The forging on his map is absolutely spectacular. The only thing missing is a bit of.. Height. As soon as I saw picturesnof the map I was like, is that just a ground floor shot? But no, there is nothing else. This map has so much potential. You just need to add a third dimension; height. As one article or anoher has said. Don't make another one story map. So yeah. Great meterial, not enough cover of height. 2/5 design, 5/5 forging. Looking forward for a v2!
  11. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    great lines of sight, but you might want to make some more occlusions so that it's easier for people who have short ranged weapons
  12. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    cool its out. I remeber testing this with you it was really fun. All you guys who keep saying it needs an extra level are wrong, stop talking about that he gets the picture, and truley it doesnt, when I tested it, it was very fun, and I dont think it needed an extra level, and if you disagree with me maybe instead of just looking and the pictures and commenting maybe you should download it and play on it before commenting (like ur suppose to). But the map flowed very well, and it had a great weapon balance, it was fun to help test it

    IIDTWYCT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like you're halfway through a really good map. This would make a really good template too.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what you can do with this map.

    You don't necessarily need a third level, but it is one possible option for radically changing the game play here.
  14. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i say that the map is nice. i would suggest that when making a V2 that you take time to think of outside structures to build. i think that map will be very nice if you take your time and make it good.
  15. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    I really liked the gameplay of this map.....but i agree with some people u need to make a V2!!!!

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