BERSERKER!!! [/URL]I got this idea when playing gears of war at my friends house. So basically it is a map based on the gears of war mission with the berserker. [/URL] The horde spawn in the boxes on the wall. They cog is green while the horde are zombie colored. The cog can kill the horde pretty easily but it gets harder when there are more members of the horde. [/URL] This shows the cog in first peson killing a lone horde member. [/URL] After 90 seconds the grav lift spawns and lets the berserker out of his cage. [/URL] The berserker then gets into his body. [/URL] After 90 seconds walls spawn in front of the horde's boxes. [/URL] Wall [/URL] Who's the giant knocking on the door? [/URL] It's a berserker (dodge the berserker until he accidently knocks down the wall) [/URL] Second room. For some reason the final room's screenshot isn't working, but basically you jump to get the custom powerup then shoot the berserker with the spatan laser. There is a live system where if you get killed three times on the cog's team you lose the game, and when the berserker dies the cog wins the game. There should be more people on red team than blue team and the blue team is the cog's team. There shouldn't be more than five cogs (only do that if you have like 13 people at least.) Download map here> Donload game here> [/URL] How do you enter screenshots in the mythic recon contest?
sorry to say, but its been done before. though the cog and horde are new. anyways, map looks iffy. i can see that very little is merged, and some walls arent even straight. anyways, ill give you a 2/5. id suggest a version 2 with theses suggestions. good luck!
Seems like a long time for the Berseker to wait to get let out, and then what do the minions do after that? And I tried a map where you have to accidentally break down the wall, that doesn't work so well.