Berkgina's ScreenShot Competition with the release of the mythic map pack, I thought I should start up a screenshot competiton. The theme for these screenshots are Elites. The pictures can be taken on any of the three maps you are allowed to do any glitch you want to help improve you pictures, but no editing on the computer they have to be real. you can do anything with the map your useing, basically you can use any mytic map and adjust the map however you wish but in the picture must only be Elites. Today is the 15th of April you have until the 20th of april to finish taking your pictures and posting them. the results of the screenshots will be realeased on the 22nd or april. Enjoy.
1. theese things never get any posts, trust me i tried. 2. i dont have my xbox, so i cant try. 3. does it have to be on mythic or can it just be elites, cuz i have a cool elite shot.
Ruuuuun go go go holy sh**! Titled: Guardians RUUUUUUN! by me XxK1LLR0YxX link
yes you can submit as many as you wish but please just edit your post so i can see whos done what easier. btw great pic. but dont post tooo many pictures like 6 will be starting to get a bit stupid no sorry has to be on mythic, its a shame you dont have your xobx but maybe youll get it befor the 20th
Umm.... forgive my ignorance, but where is the incentive in taking part in a competition that has no material reward and bragging rights about winning a contest most people didn't know about? I'm not trying to be rude, I just want you to think about it for a moment...
sry killroy you had no competition but you win im glad theres people on here who just enjoy taking fun screenshots that might not award you anything but you do get my respect lol not really much to you
woooooo I won. hehe. Yeah its the thought that counts guys. These contests are for you guys to stack yourselves up against other screenshot takers
Listen guys, what I said wasn't really me. I lent my little brother my laptop for homework, and he started posting on here, b.Net, and other of my other frequented forums of mine, without tellin me. I'm sorry if anything "I" said hurt you or angered you. I love screenshots too much to put down someone running their own contest for pics. In fact, I probably would've competed if I knew about it earlier.
well i would but its just that you have no competiton right now and FH is annoying because people only look at the home [age for screenshot competitions its really lame but i might host another one soon