Known for their speed and hardiness, Bengals serve as the Clan's primary fighting vehicle. They carry a crew of five. The turret on the Bengal is completely destructible. A well-placed grenade, a rocket, or gunfire to the weak point wll cause it to break apart. I`ve found that the best way is setting off the propane tanks next to the vehicle controls. Screenshots: Download Map!
That thing looks quite impressive, and the most important part, it that it's destroyable. Great idea, well presented. 5/5!
Like your other cannon i just saw -this is cool. I take it you like army weapons and vehicles. The fact that the tank is destructible is a very nice feature. Very nice.
Oh god, awesome! I would never have thought of making that, If only you made it on foundary people could make maps around it!
Yeah, if only foundry didn`t have a lack of antennae and barricades. xD; Plus, Foundry`s environment generally doesn`t suit artillery and tank aesthetic maps.
Yeah, when I made that, I thought, "What`s the use of having such a roomy tank if pasengers can`t engage enemies?" You can also duck behind the barrier for some cover.
thats quite cool, very creative and nicely done, looks gd on the eyes and im sure my friends will enjoy it too, gd job