Download Here Bends is an asymmetrical map that is great for all gametypes. It is essentially an "L" shape, but with a small hallway acting as a shortcut through the middle. Beware of this hallway though, as a well placed grenade always interacts violently with fusion cores. The Attackers start out in a small, custom-made base with a Bubble Shield and a Brute Shot facing out towards the middle where there is a Rocket Launcher and a Needler waiting to aid them in their killing. To the left of the Attacking base is the deadly hall, but next to the hall's entrance is a set of stairs leading up to a catwalk where players will find, not only, yet another path to the Defenders base, but also a Battle Rifle and more fusion cores. [img width=800 height=595][/img] Attackers Base [img width=800 height=585][/img] View From Attackers Base The Defenders start out in one of the pre-fabricated Foundry bases. But the first thing they will notice is that this base has been drastically changed. In the base they will find a Sniper Rifle and a Power Drainer, as well as plenty of places to safely spy on any Defenders that choose to traverse the semi-open middle ground. [img width=800 height=588][/img] Defenders Base [img width=800 height=598][/img] View From Defenders Base [img width=800 height=599][/img] One of the Entrances to Defenders Base Although the middle of Bends is fairly open, it does contain a large structure. Players can choose to stay on the ground floor of this structure, where a shotgun and a small room with Shield Doors can be found. But, as they climb the structure, they may find a hidden Needler, or, even higher up, is the hard to reach Rocket Launcher. But a small warning to anyone looking for the Rockets, again, there are plenty of fusion cores, and if an enemy picked up the portable Grav Lift that spawns below the Rocket Launcher, you might come face to face with opposition. [img width=800 height=587][/img] Rocket Spawn [img width=800 height=563][/img] Another View of the Rocket Spawn [img width=800 height=584][/img] The Deadly Hallway [img width=800 height=568][/img] Stealing The Flag [img width=800 height=592][/img] Running With The Flag Please Comment and Rate. And check out my other maps: Mutha Ship Mini Sidewinder Thanks
I don't see any signs of interlocking which I think would be helpful on a map like this. It also seems like you put a lot of things in weapon holders which doesn't look very appealing IMO.
I made this map before I fully understood interlocking pieces. But I assure you it plays great. As far as weapon holders, I only used them where I thought it was benificial to display the weapon, such as making sure it is obvious where the Rocket Launcher is. Altough I did use about three Weapons Holders, the majority of weapons have a traditional on the floor or leaning against a wall placement. And, frankly, since only one of the pics shows a Weapon Holder, I'm not sure where you got the impression that I used a lot.
There's really only like two pictures of this map. Most of them are just closeups of action that could be on any map. I like the picture with the rockets and the one that shows the Attackers base, but it seems like there is more of the map that we can see. Is this just me making things up?
I guess I kinda made the mistake of trying to get action in all of the pictures instead of just showing off the map. But, to be honest, the map pretty much is just an Attackers Base, a Middle Structure, and a Defenders Base, all of which are pictured.
I agree, there some be some more overview-ish type pictures, but I'm not seeing a whole lot of innovation either, give us something new and unthought of or really well reworked previous idea.
I think if you redo this and put in some nice looking interlocking to make the map more smooth it could turn out good.