Remember at school you and your buddies always loved to play a certain game everyday for gym. There are many different version of this game but like most people my favorite is bench dodge-ball, so i created the game for reach. to c This map is very aesthetically pleasing as you can see from the pictures at the bottom link. This is my first map for forge hub. It might need some fine tuning so I'll let you guys add and fix anything you think could be better. OK so there is two teams: red and blue, two jails and lots of dodge balls (grenades). Your team is trying to be the last standing. You get 2 lives so you only end up in jail once and then you wait for a teammate to throw a grenade that detonates the mines opening the jail door so you can escape through the teleport back to your side. Plenty of cover and a hidden grenade luancher for goalie. There is also a hidden pistol that can be used to set of the propane tanks turning them into rockets that fly then explode. If you run out of grenades and don't want to wait for them to Regen then pick up the scattered grenades around the map. An instant kill barrier divides the map in two. recently freed team mates can still be killed by the opposing team while running to the teleporter. This game is really a team sport. This is my one of first maps so it might not be that good. Set of images here: : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots. . .
I'll be the one to say it: no one else say it after as it would be spam you cannot just say that you don't have pictures yet you must have at least one picture of your map to post it EDIT: go here for the map posting rules, requirements etc.
Umm, no you don't. Use this handy quote of mine for help: You only have 24 hours to fix up your post. Cheers.
[br][/br]Edited by merge: All in all its a pretty fun game and i welcome you guys editing it and making it better. Those are all the pictures i got. I hope you get how the map works now! 5 above: Stand back when the jail is opening because if you die, you're out of lives! [br][/br]Edited by merge: That enough pictures? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone going to download my map? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone going to download my map?
Spoiler What is this I don't even... Just a suggestion, but you might want to organize your pics in the OP and make it look good. Right now it's just a mess, so I highly doubt anyone will be interested in taking a look at your map. Also, you haven't told us what this map is for (I assume it's for some type of custom gametype) or what type of games to play on it. If you want people to download your map, make them want to download it with a good quality description and pictures.
Thanks for the suggestion. If people want the gametype the link is right below the ling for the map. I could also use some gamplay feedback!