Belonephobia- a fear of needles or sharp objects. Backstory It was two days after his sixth birthday. Dante was "recruited" by a secret government agency and placed into something called the SPARTAN project. It was there that he underwent hundreds of tests and operations in order to make him the best he could be: a SPARTAN. ~The following is an audio recording that somehow escaped The Great Purge~ Unkown Scientist: Dante, will you come here? It's alright. We won't hurt you. Dante: I don't wanna. U.S: C'mon. Your a big boy aren't you? Well, well, well. I guess you are just too scared. You are a baby! Nah nah nah nah nah! D: AM NOT! U.S. Are too! D: <static> U.S. <static> thats a <static> boy. D: Where are we goin? U.S. Going. Where are we going. You must learn to use proper grammer Dante. D: I don't wanna. U.S: <laughs> D: What's funny? U.S: Nothing. Ahh, here we are. Step in Dante. D: What are these things? Wow! U.S. Don't touch Dante. This, well, this is a syringe. You two are going to become very good friends within the next few days. D: Watsa sy-syrenje? U.S: Syringe. S-Y-R-I-N-G-E. Syringe. Do you see this little needle? D: <static> U.S: <static> D: <static> U. S: I know <static> hurts but <static> make <static> stronger. D: Wait. I don't wanna. U.S: Dante. Come here. NOW! D: Don't WANNA! <scuffles, then a shout of pain> U.S: That wasn't so bad was it Dante? D: The... the syringe... don't wanna.... no more.... U.S: Are you afraid, Dante? Of this little needle? D: <starts to cry> U.S: Well we can't have that now can we? <more shouts are heard> <static> ~End of Recording~ 68 years later... Dante: Well, the experience was horrific. That scientist, and his little white mask. I'll never forget him. That.... that b******. He tricked me. Tricked me into believing that he was my friend. Tricked me into thinking i would see my parents. Tricked me into thinking everything was all right. But everything is not all right. Those needles... they injected me with substances too many times too count. I never knew what they were doing, only that it was horrifying. And painful. Oh so painful. I was never given any anesthetics or anything. Me, a young child. I underwent so many operations. And for what? Big muscles and an increased jump ability? I just don't understand... ~Later that day, we managed to speak with his therapist, Charles Henry.~ CH: Well, the first time I met Dante I knew that something was terribly wrong with him. He was always shaken, and he had numerous scars. I didn't push it, but i was dying to ask him questions. Eventually, I figured out one thing. I.... I jotted it down somewhere here... hmm... ahh yes. Here. These are my notes from my first session with Dante. Dante (Last Name?) Old Traumatized Hardened Frail Serious Case of Belonephobia Map Description Welcome to Belonephobia. This arena that you are about to enter is in Dante's world. This, well, this is his nightmare. Everynight he dreams of the same thing. Needles. This arena is where it all happens. Decked out with a Pit of Needles, a Giant Syringe, Spikes coming out of walls, and all of the spike-type weapons you could ever want, Belonephobia is the perfect map for all of your belonephobic needs. Weapons Needlers Spike Grenades Spikers Notice a theme here? Pictures! The Syringe The Needle Pit Jumping from Needle to Needler Jumping over the Pit, where a nice spike 'nade awaits Runnin from the main room Lucky or Skilled? Impaled upon the spikes in the Pit Comin Up CLIMABLE!?!!?!? Note From The Author This map took a long time to make, with a lot of attention to details. The map was built using a lot of interlocking and patience. I decided that I should tell you a few things about this map's cool features. The Needle Pit is a throwback to my previous 1v1 map Air Pressure, which had almost 500 downloads before the thread was locked. That map had 4 deathpits, however they were a bit laggy and easy to escape. This new and improved pit not only looks waayyyyy more B.A. but also eliminates the lag factor and the escape factor. The Syringe is the focal point of the map, and my favorite part. If you look at it head on, it appears like a giant needle imprinted on the wall. However, you can actually climb on this needle and use it to gain access to a Needler. It's pretty awesome. The theme of the weapons was created because without them, the map just didn't feel as "belonephobic". I'm thinking about making another version of the map with regular weapons to go along with this one, so people can either the cool one or the competitive one. Also, HAVE FUN! Make sure you rate AND comment too! I don't want the thread to die. I have faith in you! Thanks, MattDGiant Map Link: Belonephobia Gametype: This map can be played with any Slayer gametype, as long as there's only 2 people. No Radar is recommended. PLEASE rate and comment on the thread as well. Thanks again, MattDGiant
I'l help you test it out if you need. Thanks again. Anyone else? Comments? EDIT: Please comment on the page as well. The thread is already almost dying! AHHHH! Thanks.
who cares about it's not as important as here, anyway, the backstory was quite interesting, and the small parts of the wall sticking out of the boxes is cool, and the name is creative although quite hard to say.
I agree with you completely. 1. isn't half as cool as forgehub. its just that i need to keep that thread alive so i can get downloads. 2. I can't even pronounce it myself. Lol. I can try though! Thanks for the compliments.
the map itself looks really cool, it is really well made and I think that the giant syringe is sweet. I'm downloading it. I think that you should get rid off the back story, it takes up way too much time and space, plus it is super creepy. It loses the focus on the map.
I dunno, I kind of like the creepy backstory. And I definitely like the syringe sticking out of the wall. I'm really surprised things like that don't get done more often in maps.
Thanks to all of you. Regarding the story, I probably wouldn't get rid of it because it took me so long to write and I think it provides somewhat of an explanation for the map. Yes, It's creepy. That was the effect.... MUHAHAHHHAHAHAAH
I like the backstory. It provides a much better atmosphere for the map then just putting "I put a bunch of needles on a map because its cool"
This looks good too i like how the story fits perfectly with the map and i like the big needle also lol RUUUN BIG A55 NEEDLER