
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Hawk, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Hello, and welcome to the first official American kid inc. production! If you don’t already know, it’s me, Amer1can f00d, and halo kid 024 working together to make awesome maps just for you guys!

    (Signal the confetti) Before we say anything, I have to admit halo kid did most of the work in this map, probably a little over three fourths. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t helpful, it’s just he already had it planned out, and I didn’t exactly know what he was going to do.

    Description : When humans learned to clone objects this became a hub for thieves cloning diamonds. 2v2 Slayer.

    Now for the hulking giant that is :
    Well, maybe not a hulking giant…

    Anyway here is the main theme of the map :
    A box! (That by the way is a perfect right angle, thanks to halo kid 024)

    Just so you know, over time the jewel goes from an overshield to and active camo, to a custom powerup, eventual ending in a very sexy box!

    Here it is : As a poor little overshield. So cute.

    And here it’s a overshield/active camo.

    And now a full grown jewel!

    Anyway, this map is set up for up to four people, with teams of two, or free for all. Don’t try to go past 4, or it will get very chaotic… very fast. This map is a blast to play, offering nice movement around the map, and great visibility, making it easy to play. It is also very competitive, and you might just start throwing your controller around the room, if someone else is beating you. On a lighter note… 2v2 is also fun, because it’s always good to have a buddy right? You will love the action packed playability of the map, and you will be drooling at the interlokz!

    I will get to all of the technical stuff later, for now the pics!

    This is me looking down at the sniper tower. (Yes, I can fly)

    Now the sniper tunnel. (Too bad it doesn’t show me flying.)

    Now the overview above the jewel box. (Yet again, I’m flying!)

    Now the geomerged grav lift, even though you can’t see it.(No flying for me.)

    Another view of the tiny map.(Flying is kind of boring now…)

    The sexy stair formation.(Not flying this time.)

    And for the last pic, the POWER WEAPON.(Dun Dun Dunnnnnn)

    Just kidding, Now action pics!

    Now we really don’t have any more pics, sorry.

    Weapon List:
    2x Carbine, 20 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    1x Assault Rifle, 30 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    2x Plasma Rifle, 60 sec respawn
    1x Needler, 150 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    1x Sniper Rifle, 180 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    2x Battle Rifle, 20 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    2x SMG’s, 45 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    1x Plasma Pistol, 120 sec respawn
    2x Spiker, 60 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    1x Spartan Laster, 150 sec respawn
    All weapons are spawn at start and asymmetrical as well as symmetrical.

    Equipment List:
    1x Deplyable Cover, 120 sec respawn
    1x Regenerator, 180 sec respawn
    2x Plasma Grenades, 60 sec respawn
    2x Frag Grenades, 30 sec respawn

    Phew, I’m finally finished! Now I guess I can go home…, oh wait, testers!

    Myself, Halo kid 024, Krazy Kumquat, The Yellow, XGC NEOCON, and DrearyCord(Of course).
    Big thanks to Krazy and The Yellow for spawn help.
    #1 The Hawk, Jan 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    in a sea of normal maps, we find a sparkling jewel. lolz anyway nice map, pretty original competitive map. 4.5/5
  3. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    This seems to jump at me and say I IS MAP HEAR MY ROAR so i think i will download.
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    Is it just me or is this map really sloppy?
    maybe its just the outside.
    but judging by the weapons it seems to be pretty big.
    ill DL
  5. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    looks like an interesting layout for a map but isnt bejewled a jewlry maker for girl items? they may have copyrighted that, lol. cool though the gameplay looks a little difficult from the size.
  6. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    No it isn't sloppy, if you looked at the inside pics you would see that, but the outside does look sloppy. The weapon balance is also pretty good, we haven't had any problems with it.

    Oh and all of you other people, thanks for spamming up my thread. If you don't have something worthwhile to say, please don't say anything.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    These pictures don't help me to understand the layout at all. Please get better pictures
  8. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Ok, I'm pretty sure if you look at all of the pictures, you will see almost every inch of the map. If you would actually download it and forge over it like you are supposed to, you wouldn't be having this problem either. I think the pics are fine, it's just the first few pics that you probably looked at that explain the jewel, then got mad and said you couldn't see anything. Please either look at the whole post next time or forge through it.
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Do I look like an idiot to you?
    I understand what is in the pictures, I just don't understand how they all connect together and what order they are in. I would do a Forgethrough if I could, but I can't.
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah before anyone jumps to any more conclusions I have seen this map and it really isn't sloppy. The pictures just weren't the greatest and don't accurately represent the map well, it does like more concise and put together while actually playing.
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Looks like I should get that video together for you...

    Like I said, I'll be back with my review but I don't want to type up a wall of text right now. For the time being, this map was really fun to play on. It never got old, even when playing with the same people over and. Some parts could be smoother, but nothing is that bad. Personally, I don't like the Spartan Laser on the map, but that's just my opinion. Like I said, an in depth review is on the way.
  12. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Looks very well interlocked, I like the geoed gravity lift. I love the sniper hallway and the laser spawn, and stuff. lol. I'm going to DL and test it out, though you should Make it so that tthe fenced will spawn when the camo does, so its not too overpowered there. Plus, you could get stuck in there. lol Good job on it. I DLing : 5/5

    IVY SNAKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome 2v2 map I love how you made it so small but it still seems very fun to play in the second part I like is the awesome sniper tunnel. 5/5 keep on forging =]!
  14. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    accually it really small,I just added so many weapons because the map is pretty open,in other words,your likly to get attacked at any time.oh,and the outside looks sloppy because the part under the sniper tower was the last thing we did,and since this isnt using the budget glitch we were really limited by money. (and to a lesser extent,objects)

    lol,i hope it isnt copy righted. the flow is really good acually. (of course Ill say that,I built it) and I didnt come up with the name,fo0d did.

    thanks.the hawk/f0od did the sniper tunnel,so all thanks go to him.glad you like it.

    just thought I would clear some stuff up.
  15. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Well, what is there to say about this map, it's got a good concept but it lacks flow and a solid design.

    For starters i can escape the map, in two locations, which some may not mind but i tend to dislike this myself. During the forge through i noticed your sniper hallway/tower area does have a clear shot at 99% of the spawn locations on the map, it has a nice slant but seems a little overpowered for a small map. The changing invis/overshield fence area is nice but i dislike the wall flooring that surrounds it. Wall floors make for a bumpy walk as well as there is a hole in it on the second floor(maybe intentional idk). Maybe in the future take an extra day or two in the finishing phases of your map and try to maximize the use of the items you place, take all those extra pieces that you will end up having and put them to work adding a cleaner feel to your maps.

    I've seen the pictures, forged through the map, tested it briefly for game play, and after all this my rating is a 2.5/5
  16. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    well,i just thought I would let you know that we are constructing a v2 going on your guide lines. I didnt know about that hole,so glad you pointed it out. as far as Ive seen on the million and one games Ive played on it I dont think ive ever seen it eat a grenade,and know,to my knowlegeof the map,its unbreakable.also,i made a sniper proof spawn box.
    I hope you like the knew one (allthough its yet to be realeased.
  17. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I'll admit that it is well-forged, but looks extremely tiny from the pictures. It seems like it would be a 1v1 map. I just couldn't see myself having fun on this map.

    I'm sure others find it exciting, though, so good job.
  18. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    not unless you put the starting points. before long I'll put starting points on every gametype. I dont think infection would work because the sword would be an absolute murderer on this map.and please,dont spam the map with one sentence posts.

    will someone come in and review the map instead of just spaming?
  19. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Yes, this map has some of the best 1v1 you will ever play. But the real sweet spot, in my opinion, is 3 player FFA. Play that and you will never put this map down. Seriously guys try it. Also, I might take new pictures and put em up, if enough people want me to.
  20. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Hey, I'm not if you know about it yet but we were able to break out of your map by pure accident. Other than that the map is great! Only thing my party wished for is more weapons.

    GT: HomerSPC

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