As the title says I've been gone awhile (two years, but who's counting). I recently came across this site, now I have to ask what the official FH policy on using the maps on the aforementioned site is?
No modded content is allowed anywhere on the forums, including that link to modded content; however, anything in the realm of glitches such as breaking out of maps is allowed.
OP edited to omit link. I don't understand... I honestly don't see the issue with the maps I had linked, they don't cause lag, they don't allow for cheating, if anything they're the next step up form to H3 budget glitch.
Forge Hub is now affiliated with Microsoft. I think you may have left just before that happened. Microsoft has a zero tolerance policy on mods and part of the agreement with the affiliation is that we do the same. There are some other forums specifically for modded maps but you'll have to find those yourself. Plain and simple, no mods unless Microsoft changes their policy.
What pyro said. Also, be careful having those in your fileshare. I doubt Bungie is on the prowl, but still. LOCKED.