BEES Well, Hello everyone, I'm Zak and I am finally going to post this map. I call it Bee Hive and I personally believe that this is a brilliant new map that will keep you on the edge of your seats. So, what do you think of when you hear infection? All Hiding in a room wait for them to walk in so that your BR can snipe their head off? Well, what if it was harder? Bee Hive is a Vertically based map that sets the humans inside of a massive bee hive. Sitting at the bottom of the Hive, humans must fend off wasps that hop down to the ground level through a massive amount of holes around the hive. Player Conditions: The bees are weak, having no shields and only 50 percent damage. This makes them very susceptible to battle rifle fire that the humans tend to mow them down with. However, using the ledges as cover, and keeping their heads moving, the bees can still get down to the ground floor and kill everyone. The humans have normal health and limited Br ammo. While the round is only 3 minutes, you will find that you will have to become a talented BR fighter to have enough ammo and not resort to your magnum. Map Layout: The map is approximately 12 boxes high, with the highest bee spawn being 9 high. It is built in an octagonal shape and is constrict enough that the humans cannot simply look up and shoot everything. They must move I order to shoot in different directions. The bees initially spawn in a small room and wait for a man-cannon to launch them out of the top to their almost certain first death. After the a wasp’s first death, he will respawn in one of the 20 ‘bee holes’ around the map. In many of the holes there are teleporters to confuse the humans at the bottom even more than they already are. Well, I really can’t explain much more. It is actually very simple so here are some screenshots! Over View of the Map Look Up! But Remember to Look Down Sometimes This one is just to drill that point in a little farther. OVERBOARD Well, this map is also map for everyone's favorite nonsense gametype! OVERBOARD! I don't really have to explain much for this one. The map remains the same except for a few key things. There is a teleporter at the bottom which transports you to any of the holes in the wall above. There are extra wings at the bottom of the map to make it easier to jump to the top (And yes it is very possible to do even in a hectic game of OVERBOARD) Oh, and keep in mind, narrow holes in the wall seem to amplify grenade damage. So get out when you can ! DOWNLOAD BEEHIVE HERE! DOWNLOAD BEES HERE!
OK this map is very well made and i love it i had a better more awesome review on it but my computer is being dumb so ill just leave it at being really original and very well made i will dl and a 5/5 from me great job and keep on forging. ok the gameplay is epic i loved every bit of it. it was varied some rounds the zombies would just come down without the humans even knowing that they were there and then kill every human while other rounds the humans just laid waste to the zombies and watched the bodies fall. My friends loved it and wanted to play more of it we were also all wondering how you thought up such an original idea
I've played this. It's one of the few mini-games I've enjoyed. You've changed it around a little since I last played it but the concept it still the same. Nicely forged and a very fun game to play when you have a large party and don't know what to play. But why is this is the competitive maps forum? It should definitely be in the Mini-Games.
Oh wow, I actually remember testing this a week or 2 ago, but it seems like you've changed a few things. The few games I got on this were pretty fun from what I remember. Even being the zombie was pretty fun. I never really experienced any problems when I tested a while ago, so I don't have much else to say. Great job dude.
Dude this is really cool! i don't even know what to explain, b/c the idea in all is just great. A mix of a mini game and a hardcore infection game, with a really cool theem "bees" I mean its geniuses. Who's now scared of flying stinging bugs? You really got me tripping out about this game. And if i can get people, i would love to play this right now. I also could see this in the TGIF if it plays fairly, which I'm going to guess it dose. But i never might know with out playing it. awesome job and a perfect 5/5 !!!
This is a crazy concept and I was woundering if you were going to post it on forgehub after xforgery,you did :] Fun map really cool set up and the gametype goes well with the map design. Good work very fun with larger parties. :]
Buzz I played a few games of this with you. It was hectic watching the bees drop in from above. I liked the fact that you could try different strategies as the humans. At one point we all took a wall of the hive looking straight up and that seemed to work really well for a while. At another point we all looked up except one guy, who's job was to take care of the bees that made their way down to ground level, that way most of us could remain focused on the incoming swarm. The best part I think, was the proximity voices of the falling bees. A couple of them were making buzzing noises as they came at you and it was quite hilarious and startling. Fun Mini-Game.
this looks to be one of the best most crazy funnest games ever, the cleanliness of the map is amazing but the originality is simply brilliant. (in my opinion) im dling and playing this 2 nite anyone who wants to join is welcome, way to go man =)
Great Map here zach. I like the very simple premise and objective to this game, it makes it very easy to get into. The teleporter thing is good too, it give the feel of bees flying around randomly everywhere. One suggestion though would be to merge the teleporters into the blocks, so it looks like you simply fly into a hole and pop out another.
I made a bee hive like last year c'ept it was on foundry and way messier. This looks very similar to mine but a lot cleaner and looks more like a bee hive lol. You're alex's bro right? or are you just some other zachary guy?
Epic. This is highly original, even for an infection game. I can only imagine the chaos of the humans in a big party of bees! I also like how you made it so the bees have a little bit of cover as they come down the hive. Im gunna dl and hopefully some friends will come online so i can try it out. 5/5 for me.
This looks very nice. It's a nice change of pace from the typical "ONE SHAWT ZOMBEHZ0RZ" gametype my friends usually play. The ledges are a great idea, too. I think you should have ledges spawn later into the game, making it harder as it goes along. This looks very fun, though.
If you make the respawn points neutral, block off the object sending bees in directly from the top (And remove its spawn point), then put a kill ball directly at the bottom it makes a totally new type of game for slayer. (although the gametype would have too have 75% gravity) Do you mind if I use the base of the octagon (Just the actual octagon, no weapons/teleporters) too make a game? I'll give you credit (And a link too the original, obviously)
Thanks for not letting us people over here at forgehub out, I haven't played that much on the new version, so this may only apply to the old one. The 3 things i really wish you would change is 1. A LOT more weapon choices. I'm talking lasers,needlers,sentinel beams, a rockets (2 shots obviously), stickys, flamegrenades whatever floats your boat! You could make a starter room off to the side our something. 2. Set the custom-powerup at middle, and change it to infinite ammo, you get it, you get all your ammo back, simple as that. 3.I had this idea in the middle of my post, add some bubble shields for the bees to use, on the highest ledges, if you start there, you need the advantage. Also bubble-shields look like hunny(spelling fail) combs, and it would be really fun to fall in them. In return for all these adjustments, you may want to turn up the zombies shields Well i hope you consider adding these to but some variety in your game, it has a lot of potential, now i have a really stupid question, you always played this with like 10 people, can you play it with any less then 5?
Dude this map would seem pretty scary when your playing with a big group of people like 15 bees jumping down on like 1 survivor that would get pretty hectic.
This is a very fun mini game. It's one of my favorites. It's a great idea and it has good asthetics. The placement of teleporters are pretty good also.
wow man love the idea and you did a really good job making hte map really like the idea 4.5/5 well done!!