now is your time to reminisce about ye olden days of halo 2. I am currently in the middle of making a remake of Beaver Creek from halo 2. Why would i waste all this time on ANOTHER remake of that level? Simple. It was the very first map i played on in any halo game. i loved the setup, and the scenery. i also liked how it played for the most part. Up until now, i havent seen not one remake that makes me smile even a little. However, the truth is, i didnt own an Xbox or Halo 2 up until about 2 months before 3's release. i only got to play when i OCCASIONALLY saw a friend who had it. so from the time 2 was released, i played only about an hour or two a month... and sometimes it was not on live. So what do i want? I need you guys to give me boring walls of text and short thoughts on your fondest memories of the level. I dont know important things like certain jumps that are neccessary for correct gameplay, but werent obvious... basically, id like to be as accurate as possible. got a screenshot to further provide help with your hopes? excellent, post it. Anyways, i need old school players who knew the map inside and out to give me their favorite parts of the map that never seem to get captured in foundry remakes. -Weapon placements -jumps -ledges that arent all that obvious -other stuff that makes or breaks it. thanks!
i loved the fact that you could sit on top of the teleporter and wait for the people to come out then catch them by surprise NINJA!
another very important part was inside the base the contours of the ground and where the flag was placed and how there was a small little overpass in the center of the base. it made for a lot of chasing in circles and grenade bouncing
ok well one other thing the roof of each base only had one ground entrance from the left side by a rock jump. once on the roof it was a great sniper spot because it wasnt flat there was a crevace in the middle where only the head and gun would stick out. i remeber getting killed from that so many times
o and one more thing i remebered... the first time i went for the shotgun in the river i got frustrated because i couldnt pick it up. my friend said "u have to duck" so i did and i got the shotgun... make sure you do something like that!!
i dont ever remember having to duck for it, but ill go find out. ive been running all over that map taking ridiculous notes. anyone who wants to make me a weapons guide, itd be appreciated. again, any thoughts you have to contribute would help. [im aware thats Battle Creek, and what changes were made, including base flipping.]
my fave part deff has to be the giant rock thingy coming out of the wall and into the floor.. and honestly thats what gave me the idea in my new map that youve seen to make the pipes. goodluckon this. im sure youll make the clasic come back.. and yes its bEAVER creek from halo 2 not battle creek. lol
yeah underneath rocket spawn in the river where the shotgun was... you had to crotch walk to get into it.
LOL. Crotch walk. Anyways I think you mean crouch walk. I never had to crouch to get the shotty unless it was blown back by an explosion. Oh and Silence, I wish you luck on the remake. I loved Battle/Beaver Creek. With what I've seen of your maps it should be good.
thats what i thought... i had to crouch to get in the cave thingy, but never to get the shotty. and thank you. the bases are working out fantasticly... but when all is said and done, im cutting ULTRA close to possibly not having materials to block off the sides. if this happens.... i shall make an all new map based on the bases. BUT im hoping for the perfect remake to go well instead.
sounds good, i made a beever creek, but it turned into something i like to call foundry creek it was pretty fun, but yours will be bettuh
Yeah, if Bungie did a remake of this map itwould be a dream imho. This was a great map for all gametypes and has yet to be beat by any map. (imo again) OH and dont know how accurate your going to get but from where you get the rockets or sniper cant remember you could continue jumping onto the rock ledges to make get aways or jump down on people. Also dont know how you might put in the glass roof tops on the bases that is going to be interesting to see how that works with current supplies But i know that youll get a pretty good remake no mater what you do.
Here, I'll make a weapon guide since I still got Halo 2. As for memorable parts... One would have to be the "windows" in the ceiling over the flag spawns, cause it was a great strategy to toss the flag out through the hole, that is, when you could still through the flag decently to move faster. Another would be the strategic jumping across rocks to get to the top of the bases. It wasn't to hard, but in the heat of the moment, it was a bit more of a challenge, and it was always an advantage up there. And of course the central rock arch thingy. It was just a great feature.
I liked the window entrance from the top of the base. I like the pillars to hide behind on top of the base, and I liked the small windows high up on the walls that you could grenade jump through