!Beaver/Battle Creek!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by redeyesmaster, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I looked through it and the basement is seemed way too cramped. I don't remember if you budget glitched this or not, but if you did I'm pretty sure you'd be able to make it a little bigger. You can also get out behind one of the bases really easily with just a nade jump.
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I really like some of the areas like the wall ramps. Your interlocking looks pretty smooth.

    That bridge in the center looks really sloppy though and I am sick of remakes. No dl but tis not bad...
  3. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    i'v been looking for an accurate re-make of battle/beaver creek. looks pretty good from the picts. ill download. thanks
  4. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thanks for you thought and any ideas you have ill try out and i did budget glitch but i only did it with 3 items (at the end of the makings i glitched it and i ran out of stuff it will be better and bigger next time) v2 will be coming in about 2 months it would be sooner but i have school these days and a set of fans that wont leave me alone
  5. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Oh man, I've just been waiting for this! This is just awesome, seeing an accurate and really professional looking remake of such a good map.

    The Good: The bases are interlocked very nicely, and the accuracy of a classic BTB map for Foundry is just great. Playing this remake actually makes me feel like I'm playing old Beaver Creek, but in Halo 3!

    The Bad: Nothing really, except for the fact that i would have put a little more aesthetic thought into the creek and rocket ramp.

    The Ugly: The bridges on the ground outside the bases could be interlocked down a little, but that's just and appearance, thing, a v2 fix.

    Overall, it's a great map. Nice eye for detail. I'd give it a 4.5/5. Keep up the good work!
    CHUCK likes this.
  6. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    You have a good map here. There is lots of interlocking, the underground sequences are awesome, and according to everyone else, it is an accurate recreation of Battle Creek (I never owned Halo 2). Good job on that, but...

    I have a few complaints. Some of the walking areas are bumpy, and the above-ground bases are sloppy. You could have done a better job on the bridges too. It's also breakable (click spoiler for details).

    This notice is brought to you by the Forge Hub Map Breakers:
    The purpose of our group is to help make the communities maps better. We are here to break you maps, so you can improve the next version.

    This is an official notice, telling you that your map is breakable. Before you panic, be aware that you can change the download link your post to an updated, non-breakable version.

    Number of exits: 2+
    Film: Slot 4 (barrier jump shown)
    Description Of How You Got Out: Jump from vertical barrier to box (boundary). Simple grenade jumps are also possible in same area.
    Possibility of escape in game: High
    My GT: Warfang326
    Final Score: 3/5
  7. m3zz8519

    m3zz8519 Ancient
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    First off ill give you some good fu3king credit for you making it all under ground like that! Pretty much the map is one of a kind. If i had to choose out of any map on here that I have seen, this 1 is the best!!

    Interlocking 5/5

    Creativity 5/5

    Hype 5/5

    Overall 5/5

    THIS MAP KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Mikesword221

    Mikesword221 Ancient
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    I tried to do what you have done here but failed miserably all the time (Cause I really hate interlocking.) So I give this 4 out of 5. You lost a point for the fact I could get out.
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wow finally a good remake of this map. I loved it from Halo 2 and I believe you brought it back. Most remakes don't have the underground parts, but you pulled it off. The only yhing is I don't get what you're doing with those man-cannons.
  10. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    Glad i could give it to you!

    yes i do under stand there are a lot more to! (you just dont know) like on blue/yellow base you can stand on the fence and crouch jump up to the right piller and then crouch jump to the side of the right window. thats just one.

    thanks mam i love any and all comments. ppl like you make me want to make a v2

    lol thanks and im sorry for those. v2 will have almost none. but every map has a way out.

    the cannons are walls sorry ill update it
  11. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    seems rather accurate. This is pretty much as good as its going to get on foundry (can't wait till sandbox) Of course everythings not the same but i really think u should have made a creek and maybe some of the rocks sticking out of the ground. Other than that great remake.
  12. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    dont worry about those they will all be there in v2 and what about this sandbox?
  13. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    Very nice smooth and accurate all in one perfect recreation of beaver/battle creek.
  14. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
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    the map looks great. I never thought any 1 would make a close to exact 3/5 match replica of battle creak. It looks fun to play on
  15. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thanks for the support and your downloads im making a v2 as i said before so stay tuned
  16. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I think that you should do this again when the new big foundry thing comes out so you can make it proportional but this one is very good anyways
  17. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    so can some one tell me about these new maps i know nothing!
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    looks like one of the most accurate BC remakes to date. I'm gonna have to give it a closer look. Im not a fan of the "rocky" bridge though. It'd be better if it was without the crack, in my opinion. Ah well, I may be back with more comments.

    PS really like the bases
  19. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thanks and as i said before and a lot im macking a v2 the ground isnt as smooth but the level its self will be much better!
  20. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    thanks man id like to welcome you to forge hub im sum what new, (about 6 weeks lol) but i do thank you for your suport and im making a v2 for you that do like it.

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