Knowing that I'm not all that great, I decided after a couple months or so of not using Photoshop after making my first sig or two, I decided to do another tutorial. I chose to do EGP's tut, "Beauty Undefined Signature Tutorial". Here's what I came out with after doing it like two or three times:
This is probably only my third signature that I've done by myself, I followed the tut, and it didn't really come out all that like the tut or that great in general.... so it's not like I'm no pro like the rest of the gna any suggestions from any one else?
I think the main problem is that the places you oversharpened as per the tut made it really obvious where you did it, so it made it not look very good. Also it is done very irregularily, and should be used with a bigger brush size probably, as it looks like you used a 2 or 3 pixel brush, leaving lines and stuff there. I just scanned through that tut, and it looks like that is the problem, but I dont really know the technique so, ya take what you will.