Beacon is a map built into Forge Worlds cliffs, the Two bases start out on the lowest and highest parts of the map. With a large bridge and several smaller areas that players must fight through to get to the other team, this map will be compatible with all gamemodes with the exception of Invasion and Insane gametypes. Beacon is as easily noticed, set near relay dishes, hence the name, Beacon. Each base has a sniper rifle avaliable, whilst other weapons including a Granade Launcher lie at several areas of the map. Here is the Red Base: It may look more supeior to Blue Teams base, but you can't use the walkway to its full potential, leaving you to use the building or the cliffside for any longrange work. The walkway does lead to a teleporter that takes players down to the base of it, at the second highest point of the map. (Picture shown later of recivier teleporter) This is the Blue Base: The Building is now a Tall Tower structure, with an instant link to the large Bridge and a more safer route to the left, which will also lead to the Granade Launcher. Note that the Bridge is very exposed to long range fire. This is the area just after going up the ramp from Blue Base: This is the Centre of the map, which shows a stairway leading towards Red Base and a destroyed dish, this is the location of the Grenade Launcher. And here is the area below the Red Base, you can see the reciever teleporter here. This map is still a work in progress, if you can tell me how the map seems to look it would be a big help!
I like that you tried to be unique, but it doesn't look like you put very much time into the map itself. Many of the pieces are very obvious (for example, I noticed those sails in the last picture right away) as to what they are. This breaks immersion.
When I think about it, you could make something like Half-life 2 in that area. Imagine climbing up that cliff face into a prison while fighting off zombies falling from above!
Do at least explain why there are issues. This isn't Facebook. First off, the design of the map gives the one side an insane advantage, especially with a Sniper Rifle at the top. I don't mean that one side of the map being higher than the other cannot work, but in this case there are only bottlenecked paths to get to the top, including the teleports and man cannons. The team up top is in this case given total dominance over the map's lines of sight, leading them to want to sit up there the entire game with their Sniper and DMR's. The part usage on the map looks a bit lazy as well (it should be noted now that I am not calling you lazy, but referring to the fact that your parts appear to us as placed nearly randomly, no matter how much time you may have put into them.) Many of the parts are placed by themselves and do not look like original structures. Furthermore, most of your paths are very skinny or very linear, limiting player choice and movement when navigating the map. Most maps have some form of circular flow where you are never forced to simply turn around and go backwards, with many branching paths to allow teams and solo players to move strategically. Here the only strategy seems to be to get up high and stay there, picking off those below you who are at a disadvantage. If you want to have 1 side of a map higher than the other, you need to make sure there are many covered ways up, and also that this area has only limited lines of sight so that it is not such a powerful position compared to the rest of the map. For all of these reasons, the cliff wall may not be the best place to make a map. The cliff limits you to very small, constricted paths, and if it is used it should be only as part of a map that is primarily built out over the edge of it. Overall this is an original idea, but it may be better to try a design with somewhat less vertical change and more focus on branching paths. Good Luck!
Thanks guys, I might drop this map as I may have a new map idea in my mind, when I'm done I will post that new idea. Feel free to Add more comments if you want. Thanks.