This is my new map, Beachside. Sorry about the delay, but I has to go to school, and I had problems posting. Anyways...this map is a medium-size asymetrical map entered into the forgetacular contest. It works well with FFA and One Flag, although it supports many gametypes. It is very open with a few ledges for jetpackers. There are a few indoor spaces. It is built on the south side of the canyon in forge world. Weapons: Sniper Rifle Focus Rifle Concusion Rifle Energy Sword DMR (4) Needle Rifle (2) Needler (3) Spiker (3) Plasma PIstol (2) Plasma Grenades (10) Ghost (2) Screenshots: This map is still open for testing. My GT is siahsargus. Tell me what you think! The Classfieds thread is here. In order to make a more perfect post, I will continue to add onto this article. Sorry to everyone about the premature post. I may make additional changes and post a V.2 after enough testing.
If you knew you had "No time left", why'd you start writing up your post? Currently, this is Spam, and by the time you add pictures or a description this thread will already be pushed off the front page by other's maps.
This map will get skipped over since the post is not up to standards. I clicked the links to some of the pictures and it looks decent but if it's a good map it will go unnoticed. Try and fix up your post and more people will look at it