___________________________________ Hello Forge Hub Community. My name is Jester, and today I am posting the revised version of my Battleship Mini-Game. My first Battleship game got a good reception from many of you at Forge Hub, but I had always intended to improve upon it. For v2 I have made the following modifications: I lowered everything below the edge of the cliff to make it impossible to escape the map. I built a dividing wall between the two teams. I made the platforms sturdier, and built them at equal distances and heights. I increased the number of cannons from 4 to 8. I gave players the ability to lob spike grenades. I added scenery to add to aesthetics. I am proud to present Battleship v2 to the Forge Hub Community. Game-Type: You sank my Once again I used an infection variant as a pallet for my game-type. This allows the game to make half the party zombies and half human, thus creating equal teams without all that hectic shuffling in the pre-game lobby. Because everybody has the same attributes the game plays more like team slayer than infection. Player Attributes: 1 life per round Invincibility Sniper rifle with infinite ammunition. Map: Battleship v2 I will explain the map and gameplay with the help of screenshots: The playing field... ...consists of two sides, one for each team (duh). The field is almost completely escape proof, and only in the rarest of circumstances will a player be launched out of bounds. Behold your battleships... ...but carefully, as they are rickety as hell. I redesigned the ships to eliminate a problem where people were getting stuck between barriers. They are more study now, which is to say they will only collapse if a stiff breeze passes through. These ships are the only thing keeping you from the cold depths of the ocean, so watch your step! Behold your artillery... ...the ever-adaptable fusion coil. Designing the release system and calibrating the trajectory of the man-cannons took FOREVER, so you had better appreciate it! These cannons are your main offensive weapons, so learning to use them is vital! ARTILLERY OPERATION MANUAL STEP 1: CHOOSE A FIRING METHOD When firing your artillery, you have two methods to chose from. Method A: Single fire To fire an individual round, simply shoot the yellow ammunition holder twice with your sniper rifle to release the round. PROS: Immediately fires the round; Spaces out the rounds to prevent mid-air collisions. CONS: Only fires a single round; Requires more accuracy to perform. Method B: Barrage Fire To fire all of your rounds at once, simply shoot one of the suspended rounds. The chain reaction will destroy all of the holders, and when the ammunition respawns, all rounds will launch simultaneously. PROS: Fires multiple rounds; Requires less accuracy to perform. CONS: 10 second delay until actual firing of barrage; Higher risk of mid-air collision. Regardless of your firing method the results are the same: BOMB GETS LAUNCHED BOMB GOES UP BOMB COMES DOWN With enough direct hits you will utterly destroy your opponents, sending them into the dark depths! SECONDARY WEAPONRY: SPIKE GRENADES Its hard to accomplish, but hell, you might get lucky. In case of incoming fire... ...simply shoot the enemy rounds out of the sky! It is tricky to do well, but essential if you want to survive. Keep those eyes up! Hoist the anchor and prepare for epic battlzordz! [COLOR=Black]Now for some aesthetics: I can haz epic interlockz? [/COLOR] Sideline scenery! [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Y[/COLOR][COLOR=Black]ou have permission to DL this map UNDER ONE CONDITION!!!!!!! [COLOR=Red][B]As you plummet to your death, don't forget to scream... OH S**T! YOU SANK MY F*****G BATTLESHIP! [URL="http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=JesterOfPuppets"][B][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]DOWNLOAD[/COLOR] Battleship v2[/COLOR][/B][/URL] [B][COLOR=Black] [/COLOR][/B][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red][B] [COLOR=Red] [/COLOR][/b][/color][/color][COLOR=Red][B] [/b][/color][B] [/b] [/LEFT]
i saw the v1 and it didnt make much sense this does now and it looks alot better now i know what you do looks like the origiona jenga gametype
nicely made, and its o minigames into one! i would've never thought of making the roadblocks the holders for the fusion coils BTW!!!
O...M....G you are truely awseome. this looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun defitatly dl this man it is great i cant wait to play it!!!!!!!
Agreed. Yet another astonishing map by the one and only Jester lol. Nice job man you always make great maps that are simple and easy to play. This map looks like so much fun from the pictures and the map looks truly amazing! Great map! 5/5! Keep up the great maps!
This looks very good. I'm downloading now. I hope the mancannons work the same, as sometimes in forge it can be stronger or weaker.
I saw you post the V1 the other day. I like it a lot, but I knew that there were some things that needed changing. This looks much better. I love the whole idea and you did a great job figuring it out. And you only need like 2-4 people to play. I like that just as much. Great job here man.
nice map ive never seen this idea, i like the concept, too, great job ill dl asap il ike the artillery device too grea job keep on forgin
looks like the best minigame on forgehub. great idea made original with roadblocks being used. How on earth did u notice that they would work perfectly? definetly downloading this, will there be a v3?
If the map can be improved upon or if there are issues that can be fixed, I will defidently make a version 3. ATM I want to see how v2 works out.
this is the kind of map i really like give me a crazy minigame over mlg or swat anyday the use of man cannon and movable objects is very good and is very tricky to get right{it does take forever} great work look foward to playing it
I like the interlocking and aesthetics you used and scenery made. It brings back the memories of this classic board game.
This is way better than the first on but im asking to make the ships a little bigger or make more so that more people can play and have fun. and also you should also have a beam rifle to switch to.
lol ya this map is really well made and I had a great time playing it. It is really easy to understand what you have to do in the map. 10/5
I'm very happy that you took my suggestion for the dividing wall. I love this map even more after playing rev. 1 yesterday. I know that rev. 2 will be soooo much better. Anyways, 8 cannons? Sweet. I think I'm going to love the new barrage feature.