Call of Duty is only freaking out because they didn't win any awards at E3 and Battlefield won two. They're taking the only shots at Battlefield that they know they can, because Battlefield will likely outsell Call of Duty this time around. It's getting better ratings, more awards, and the public views Battlefield as the better game (just look at the ratings in the Game Marketplace on Xbox Live). With any luck, Call of Duty will realize that they can't just keep releasing the same game and make sales. I'm certainly choosing Battlefield over Call of Duty because of CoD's monthly fee. And concerning frames per second, as long as it's greater than or equal to thirty, frankly, I don't give a damn.
Call of Duty Elite is a monthly fee. I realize that it is optional, but I paid for the game, I pay for Xbox Live, I don't see why I shouldn't get features such as 'Stat Tracking' that are extremely easy to implement in games. Whatever your opinion, I'm not a fan of companies that have you pay for something you've already purchased. I bought the game, why should I pay monthly for the full experience?
COD Elite stat-tracking is free. They haven't announced what you will get if you pay the fee, I think.
You have to sign up for CoD Elite. It isn't forced upon you, and it doesn't make you a second class gamer. End of discussion. Take further discussion on the subject to another thread designated for that.
CoD's a pretty big name in the industry and I'm willing to be that it'll outsell BF3. Maybe not in the long-run (span of a few years) but certainly in the first few months of release. On the PC BF3 will likely sell more, but in the end consoles carrying the majority of MW3's sales will be the deciding factor. Doesn't really matter to me though, sales don't decide the quality of the product. OT: that's just sad.