I thought I would create a general Bad Company 2 thread, as it seems that more than a few people here are excited for it. If you've been following it, you'll know that a lot has changed. Videos - Spoiler Multiplayer footage YouTube - Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Multiplayer Gameplay E3 interview YouTube - Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Gameplay E3 09 (HD) Second interview YouTube - BF Bad Company 2 Interview: Patrick Bach (HD) Trailer 400 Bad Request Teaser Trailer YouTube - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Teaser Trailer What we know so far: - Customisable guns and slots - Medics will have a defibrillator as well as medkits - One class has been cut - Some weapons and vehicles will be returning - Some parts are set in Alaska - More realistic vehicle handling - Quadbikes (holds 2) and blackhawks(holds 4-6) - More destruction IMO, the specialist class has been cut, as it did not have a specific role. But there are SMG's in the game, maybe they're part of demolition. Battlefield 1943 comes out on Wednesday.
OMFG!!! Bad company was the most funnest (hope that's a word, Google time...) game I've ever played on my 360 yet! The whole sandbox style gameplay and destruction plus the vehicles made the game so damn fun! I can't wait to this game game come out. There's so many games I want to buy. Fallout 3, Red Faction, Halo Wars, Prototype... the only problem is that I don't like buying too many games at once, I end up not playing all of them...
Hell yeah! I loved the first one so much, it's sad that once done with the first one it didn't really have a replay value. I remember play with HPM a few times when it was still a hit. Roche, Asper49, HPM, and others was always some of the people I played with. Now that you can customize guns like Modern Warfare, this game will be great. And I love how they will have the Blackhawks, my favorite vehicle to fly in any battlefield game. In BF2MC I was such a great pilot at flying people to the battle. I can't wait for this game to come out.
I was never too big on BFBC. The online always had this sort of natural lag that I thought took away from the experience, and while the destruction was nice I never saw it as useful or saw anyone else use it wisely. However, this one seems to improve almost everything and add some great aspects. I'll probably be picking this one up.
i seriously cant wait for this game. Its gonna be ****ing amazing! The first one was amazing itself, the only thing that was bad was the gille suits and how they didnt blend in well. Im pre-ordering this fersher, IMO it will be one of the best games of late 09'. Oh, Oh, OH! I hope there will be more gametypes, i really do. Like slayer or territories or something like that.
yeah, people in Bad Company sucks at piloting the helicopter. I and a handful of other people were the only ones to fly it... I cant believe they took out the specialist class, that and the assault class were my fave. I used specialist mostly though, to blast the gold crates with the c4. The smgs were awesome too...
There are apparently more vehicles, they just haven't been announced yet. The SMG's are still in it, all classes are customisable. So perhaps the Demo class could have C4's, or the Assault could have SMG's.
that sucks, i like the specialist class... I wonder what other vehicles will be in the game though... An apc would be ****ing killer. Unloading an assload of soldiers right towards the gold crates will add some extra action in the game, don't you think?
They already had an APC in the game. Remember the Americans 30 mil IFV thing? That vehicle was able to hold like 5 people or so. It's cool that they are going to have an ATV as a vehicle. Going to be ****ing epic when you rush into the enemy base as a little distraction. I'm so excited for this game, it's a shame we have to wait so long for it though.
I need to get the first BC and play it, so I will understand the second one. Now, I must go to gamestop and get a new subscription, and BC in the bargain bin.
Yeah, I wondered about the demo as well. When I pre-ordered it, the release date for the game was like Dec 31 or something, but what I'm reading now says early next year (Q1). It's also 20 bucks at Walmart. So I would say you could get a used copy at Gamestop for $15 or so.
O, okay I remember now. It was like this big bulky looking van thing, and on top was the .50 cal machine gun... How about that helicopter and artillery huh? Great strategies were created with the two... I love the helicopter. Just blowing up crates and anti-air guns, the artillery took like forever to reload...
Okay, there are 4 classes. 1. Assault 2. Recon 3. Demo/Engineer 4. Medic So far, we know that engineers can have RPG, SMG's, Shotty's and the power drill. The QBU sniper is seen with a red dot, but this may be cut from the game.