GO AWAY LETOL Here's an official Spec Ops trailer: Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops trailer‏ - YouTube
The new weapon customization screen looks cool. Lol, I'm the one being dramatic? I've merely pointed something out and defended it. Now, after I've done so, you're having a hissy fit over my presence. Yup, I'm the overly dramatic one! So you're allowed to come to the forums I typically visit and try to troll (very poorly, by the way), but I'm not even allowed to post on the forums that you regularly visit? Lol. Regardless, you guys have no need to worry. I don't plan on sticking around much longer anyways.
"enemy attack dogs near your position, be advised they are carrying explosives." you're kidding, right? attack dogs that blow up? that's not only cruel, but extremely stupid.
BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED BE ADVISED That's annoying. All of the graphics (not the 3D Models) in these trailers look extremely cheap. The explosive attack dogs is a teensy bit ridiculous. Too many gimmicks...
Woah, woah, woah, woah. Hold up, wait a minute. If I'm following you guys correctly, you're downplaying a feature that is potentially the most outlandish concept in Call of Duty. (Granted we've seen suicide enemies before, but to be in a game that is this mainstream is a step forward not a step backward) I'm sure some animal activist somewhere will get their panties in a wad, but you know what? **** 'em, these games show way more people gore than animal gore. If Cod were a competitive shooter, I'd say it was a gimmick, but it's not so bring on the fun, bring on the ridiculous. Let your imagination run wild for a bit. GO DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE.
You do realize it was simply splicing parts together to highlight progressive streaks in Spec Ops, right? I think the dogs are a nice way of incorporating that Martyrdom effect without actually adding Martyrdom.
I suppose I stand corrected. I wasn't super worried about animal rights originally even though it sounded like it. It still seems very silly to include that feature in the game.. Chances are they are robot dogs and you have to control the dog. Nicknamed RC-DOG.
Unless they confirm it for multiplayer, and not just spec-ops, I don't care. The only part of the trailer that should interest anyone is the last 15 seconds.
I love you. Oh and also, it's a ****ing video game. If you just so happen to shoot a bunch of civilians in an airport or be bombarded by exploding canines well... it's a game. Who cares. People these days... way too ****ing sensitive. Wasn't intended for anyone specifically, i just feel a rant was in order.
so basically its MW all over again except with exploding dogs. the graphics dont even look updated.... im interested to play the single player experience though! *starts "U-S-A" chant*
I just find the idea of exploding dogs extremely stupid. I'm still going to buy it, I just find the idea of it, even if it was implicated in real life, EXTREMELY stupid. Not the mechanics of it. I'm all for **** exploding. Just the idea of it is... Pretty stupid. Haha.
you know i was thinking wouldn't exploding mice be more sneaky? no one expects an exploding mouse.. AH DAMNIT PRIVATE JOHNSON I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING CHEESE *kaboom*