Having new weapons means that more people will use them. More people using them means that you will die more often from these new weapons than older weapons. Dying more by new weapons than old weapons would lead one to assume the newer weapons are more powerful than older weapons, when actually they are just more prevalent. Give it a month and you probably won't feel the same way.
Ya I'm in the same predicament I don't really want premium because only one pack interested me and that's only because you get all new vehicles maps and an ac-130 gunship how ****ing awesome is that!
Yes, I get it, but still, you're paying for the "perk" of having a pretty nice weapon which other cannot have (unless they pick it up, of course). What is it, the m15? Like zero recoil Although debatable... having had experiences with the new weapons I think they're pretty damn good. Main point: I don't mind that you can pay for new maps, etc. etc. A better way to "fix" it, though, is they should make it so those premium players can only use those weapons on the maps they pay for, not on every map, as it would better level the playing field. And don't get me started on buying weapon unlocks ¬_¬
I disagree with this, new weapons (however good they may be) are just like a new car. They usually have a nice new coat of paint, a few extra quirks (cup holders and a convertible top perhaps) and have that new car smell. However I can kill one of these new cars just as easily with my nice and reliable old car just as well as if they were using an old car too. The weapons should never be limited to a map or maps I think, as there is no reason (aside from some people not having them, which is silly, if they really wanted the weapons they would have them) to limit usage as long as they are balanced well. Buying weapon unlocks... I can understand but don't approve of. Also, what are everyone's thought on premium/Close Quarters so far? I don't want to like it so that I don't pay money, but it all seems slightly enticing.
The maps? I can take 'em or leave 'em. The guns are nice but they aren't OP, the ones that I've used, anyway. The best thing about the DLC is gunmaster. Whether that's worth $15 is up to you, I got premium so it doesn't matter to me. People really shouldn't complain about not getting the guns. You start out with the best gun in the game, the M16.
The old reliable thing always gets me. You get so used to using the same weapon all the time that a new one just doesn't feel right. It's how I felt when I switched from the Semi-Auto snipers to a bolt action after realising the benefits. It didn't feel right at first but I'm used to it now and I managed a close range no-scope 241 with it the other day. Surprised the **** out of me and I instantly got about 30 messages from the poor victims with the words "prick" "hacker" "dickhead" and "**** you" in them in various combinations. My reply was simply "you stick the barrel of a gun in someone's face at short range and see what happens". Shut the ****ers right up.
I paid my fifty bucks for premium and should damn well use my spoils as I please. Be happy that they're adding a larger variety of weapons, and not extra gadgets.
It's like giving the gravity hammer to people with swords. It's new and shiny, everyone uses it, and you're just stuck with the sword because you didn't pay the $50. **** happens
No If(gametype=="grifball") { Hammer > Sword; } else { Hammer = Sword; } I'm done here Thirded. Underslung M26 Dart for the lolz too.
The sword lunge is the opening of time where the sword holder is vulnerable, that's that time where to swing. The sword dude has no defense against that period where he's not in control.
I play every other day. It gives me a second close range weapon option for when stuff gets all cosy and steamy.
Wish I had the money to blow on the PC version to try it out now that I have a formidable desktop computer.
Hehehe. The P90. What a little devil of a gun. No need for attachments and the 50 round magazine makes short work of anyone in close vicinity. Stick a laser sight on it and even the hip fire accuracy is insanely high. I got to the first service star within 2 hours of unlocking it. One game of TDM on Wake Island got me 95 of those kills It seems that the stinger has also become of much greater use. Disables most flying vehicles in one hit.