Battle Grounds (on Foundry) Created By: Spitfire288[br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer [br] Map Description This map has catwalks, sniper towers, bunkers and a teleporter that leads to on top of Foundry, at the start of the game a sword spawns, at 180 seconds a rocket spawns on top of the sword bunker, in the sniper towers the is 1 alien sniper in each, on top of the A and B bunkers there is 1 needler, 1 BR, 1 Human sniper and 1 frag and 1 flame gernade. On each catwalk (2 total) there is 1 mauler, 1 SMG, 1 flame and 1 spike gernade, 2 BR's, And inbetween the catwalks is a camo, with no respawn, when it repspawns it's a overshield, at the entrances to each sniper towers there are a brute shot, a 1 spike gernade and a radar jammer on one and a flare on the other. there are a couple carbines, BR's and AR's placed on the battlefield in srategic places. on the lower catwalks there are 1 shotgun on each side (no extra clips), 1 sentinal beam, and 1 flame gernade. there are deplyable covers and gravlifts hidden in seperate boxes in the middle on the left is a truck with a power drain and 1 plasma turret. In each bunker there is 1 chain gun turret.[br] _________________________________________________ [br] On top of foundry, looking at B base [br] Map overveiw from leftu may see a camo and an overshield in the middle, that spawn problem has been fixed. [br] Veiw from Bunker B [br] Veiw from bunker A [br] B base overveiw [br] A overveiw [br] B bunker [br] A bunker [br] Sniper tower 1 [br] sniper tower 2 [br] _________________________________________________ [br] When you download i would appreciate any comments, concerns, ideas or problems, (contact Spitfire288) Please tell me what you think of the on top of foundry freature and the overall map. [br] Download Battle Grounds
Re: BATTLE GROUNDS!!!! INTENSE NONSTOP ACTION!!!!! 1. Please only say Battle Grounds as the name of your map. No !!!!!!!!! 2. Please embed your pictures from imageshack! not bungie.
Re: BATTLE GROUNDS!!!! INTENSE NONSTOP ACTION!!!!! This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topicon how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! And also welcome to Forgehub, hope you get many downloads
Re: BATTLE GROUNDS!!!! INTENSE NONSTOP ACTION!!!!! LOCKED. Please contact the FH staff when you have your post fixed.