Hey everyone dunkeldragon agian and with a mini game this time. I dont know if this has been done before but for the people I have tested it out with never played this before. Battle Geese is a team mini game. Its a team of 2 players 1 driver and 1 shooter. The point of this game is to shoot and kill the people on the other teams. You are not suppose to shoot/throw granades when your not on the mongoose. You have 4x overshields, 500% damage resistance, and 90% shield recharge rate. I have played this so many times with friends and it is now coming here. When you start you have a rocket laucher and spartan laser and granades. This map is best for 6 - 16 party size. And remember teams of 2. Oh and yes there is suppose to be no merging so dont complain about that. Download map HERE Download game type HERE Pictures: Overview 1: Overview 2: Cant get into bases with mongoose: Area to go off: Middle structure: Mancannons that shoot you toward the middle or to the outside: Other area to go off: Action shots: Me losing my guy and now driving solo: Chucking plasma granade at enemy: Wheely away from all the destruction: Hit it mid air: Just getting started: Creator: xDHxHAVOC (me) I hope you guys enjoy this because I know I have with my friends. __________________________________________________________________ If anyone just says nice map or stupid stuff just trying to get a post in im going to report it. Post only if you have something constructive to say. Thank you!
i love the idea of this map! i feel the idea of rocket race in mind (which is good) 5/5 for idea and the fun gameplay
Looks like a fun game but with 500% resistance, 4X oversheilds, and 90% recharge rate, wouldn't it be pretty tough to kill someone?
Okay for one its not called rocket race because your not racing to get anywhere. Second you have more then just a rocket you also have granades and a spartan laser. You think it would be tough to kill someone but it really isnt. If you have 4 teams or more you can get your shields down fast if everyone is shooting. But it does still take a little bit to kill someone. You just got to keep shooting with everyone else.
looks fun and crazy but a suggestion to the gametype would be to be dependant on ur mongoose, what i mean by that is to lower speed and gravity and instead of rockets nd splazers maybe make it shotties nd swords? note: hammers dont work on monggoose lol
It looks fun but my main concern is it's reliance on the honor rule. It's fun maybe when you have some good friends but one idiot can screw it up
yeah i know what your talking about so im going to take Wu pmouse idea with low gravity and speed. Thank you for the suggestion for lowering speed and gravity and i will defintaly do that. But on the other hand what you said for shotties and swords wouldnt really be that great. And that would be just like jousting. but thank you for that tip.
He has a point make it so that you have to be more depenedable on your mongoose. Otherwise this seems like it would be really fun with a bunch of friends. 4/5