Battle for helms deep mrk.1 Hi i hope i got my image right on my sixth try. Basically this is my first remake and first MAP and gametype that is CORRECTLY posted on forge hub. I made this to have fun mostly not to be 100% accurate, but without being bias or modest i think it looks pretty good. In this map you will relive the battle of helms deep but in the future with elites as Urak-hai. I made this for all the LOTR/halo fans out their so i wish to recieve critiques from LOTR fans ONLY. If you like the map and haven't seen LOTR two towers then you are welcome to post me a coment. Anyways download the gametype for maximum enjoyment. Enjoy. Forth Earlingas! [/IMG][/IMG] [/IMG] [br][/br]Edited by merge:
looks alright, i think that if you had rounded off the wall it would have looked better instead of making it jagged locked on the 90 degree. really comes down to how it plays on competative though. what gametypes does it support?
Invasion is its forte, if u download gametype it should b fine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Mrk 2 coming soon, look out for it.