Hey, this is my remake of the Halo CE MAP, Battle Creek. Feel free to download and tweak the map however you want. Blue base Red base Rocket Sniper Creek Overview You can get rid of somethings if they seem to crazy. Weapons: DMR x10 Grenade Launcher x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x5 Sniper Rifle x2 Machine Gun Turret x2 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Repeater x4 Vehicles: Warthog x2 Ghost x2 Mongoose x2 I know it sounds a bit OTT but you can delete anything thats too nuts, lol
This looks like a very good remix. this was a great map that i realy enjoyed and im glad to see a goo remake. ill download and check it out. i like doing remakes of maps, maybe we should do one together? (no ****!)
This was a great map and a nice remake and I like how this remake is vehicle-heavy. In Halo CE, Battle Creek was small and only for 8 people (I think) and was mostly close quarters combat. But I like how this one is more hectic with the machine gun turrets and vehicles. Reminds me of what Bungie did to Blood Gulch to make Hemmorage(dont know how to spell it). By the way, I think you posted this in the wrong place. I'm pretty sure this should be in the competitive maps section.