:escription:: Battle Creek/Beaver Creek. This is my first map attempt on Reach. Been working on it on and off since Reach came out and I am pretty happy with it now. First thing's first, no creek, we can't make fake water, I tried. Rather than building in the air I went for a more natural look to preserve the grassy feel and look of the place sadly this also means no tunnels, since we can't build underground. Those not familiar with this Halo 1/2 map it is a simply two bases opposing each other which is supposed to be separated by a creek and a rock arch over the creek, as mentioned above the arch is there but the water is not. Problems: 1. Bases are too big or the area I made the map on is not big enough. I am starting to suspect it is a combination of both. 2. Ran out of rocks to make the slightly higher perch one could get to from sniper cave. 3. No tunnels. Replaced tunnels with a middle hallway approachable by the front door which splits off left and right, drop down hole above the DMR in middle, grenades and stickys on either side leading to flag room. I would live to make a version 2 in the future if you all feel it is needed to make the bases smaller, if so I would like some help with that if someone is willing. ::Weapon List:: Human Assault Rifle x 8 (I randomly tossed these about, may remove them) DMR x 6 Magnum x 3 Rocket Launcher x 1 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 1 Frag Grenade x 6 Covenant Needler x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Plasma Rifle x 2 Plasma Grenade x 6 :ictures:: If you wish to see all pictures I have uploaded to the album on imageshack here is the direct link to the album itself. ImageShack(TM) slideshow Map Overview 1 Map Overview 2 Blue Base Red Base Overshield Cave Rock ramp and cave leading to the Arch Rockets on Arch Rock Ramp to Sniper Cave Red Base Flag Room Blue Base Flag Room
I really like what you've done with the bases here, i'll be giving it a download just for the architecture =D Unfortunately the rock pieces just don't seem to do beaver creek justice on any recreation D=
This could be so greatly improved just by adding a wall so you can't see out into forge world. It really breaks the feel that Battle Creek had.
I like the map,downloading! It's a lot better than the attempts to remake creek on sandbox because it has grass. I was going to suggest you build it in the water for the stream but i realise there is no grass down by the water. Good re make.
Alright, first things first. I like the bases and the design that you have for them is very good. However, each base is taking up nearly 50% of the map. I know where you were trying to go by building in the quarry, but I suggest that you revise the map. Go down to the water in forgeworld, find a good spot, and start by making a partially submerged trench that runs the length of the map. This will be your creek. On either side of this creek, I would use a combination of rocks and tin cups to create the desired terrain, closing off the area with walls when you're finished. To solve the tunnels problem, I would design the the surface of the map so that from the side it looks something like v----------v-------------v I wouldn't worry about the tunnels much if they cut into the water, because you can simulate the mist that always seems to hang around in the tunnels. Otherwise, you can build the map above the water and make the creek slightly deeper. Anyway, to summarize: Build a shallow "trench" in the water, use tin cups and rocks to make the terrain, keep the bases the same, and don't worry about the tunnels
I seriously don't agree with building the trench in the water. Sure the map is a bit small between the bases, but transplanting the bases to more desirable terrain would be better. The creek really isn't the center piece of the map, the structure holding the rocket is the major landmark, as well as the surrounding terrain and general aesthetic. Using rocks and tin cups for terrain will just provide a trippy and unsmooth surface for you to run across and get caught on.
Disagree with the building on water thing. I will remake the bases to be smaller before I do that. Which is the plan. Everyone built on water, I wanted to be different and faithful to the other aspects of the map
Exactly why I suggested using tin cups and/or rocks for the terrain. I just think that, if you do it right, it'll give the map a more "natural" feel. Otherwise, I would use the area of the canyon with the pools (cause I'm a perfectionist and would like to see actual water in a beaver creeak map). Also, how is the creek not a centerpiece? It's what the map is built around, not to mention 'creek' is in the name.