Battle Creek Inspired Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wienermelon, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    Hey, I'm Wienermelon and this will show you the new map I am working on.
    I loved Battle/Beaver Creek in their times, and want to pay homage to such a great map, so I have decided to make a spin-off of it. I basically have the small canyon, two bases, and a divider (creek) in the middle!


    I really want to keep the essential gameplay, but shake it up in concerns of aesthetics and layout.

    Here is the creek. It's not so much a creek though, I was thinking of designing the map more as a nature reserve.


    The base so far.


    Last but not least, behind the bases. This is where the teleporters were in BC, but have no use yet.

    Anyways, the reason I am showing you this is because I want your input. In order to make this map the best it can be, I want you to tell me these things.

    +What were your favorite things about the original, and how would you incorporate that gameplay without directly copying the original map.
    +What would you like to see in this map, and what should I not put in.
    + How should lay out the bases?
    +What location should this be built in?

    In order to make this map awesome, I want lots of input. I'll post the work as I continue, and will keep you posted!

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