
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, May 27, 2008.


how much do you like this map?

  1. A 1

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    13 vote(s)
  6. More than ice cream.. MMMmmmm

    34 vote(s)
  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thanx for resurrecting this brute and thanx for the comment/dl. i hope you like it and coe to test m,y new 1sunday.
  2. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    The Review Hub

    Reviewed By: Vicious Vice
    Other reviewers present: Roche178, HXCstepAP

    Enjoyment: 7/10
    Overall this map was fun to play and more importantly there were enough weapons to keep it from going stale. It had unique areas like the invisibility tunnel and a multitude of purposely-slanted objects. The fights ranged from long distance to close range and cover was always present. All in the entire group gave it a big thumbs up.

    Balance: 6/10
    Sadly I have to this category a below average rating. The reason because there are two bases that are very different in look but lack a balance in weapons. The more open/centered base holds a carbine, sniper rifle, plasma nade and bubble shield around the corner. The more closed off base against the wall only contains a battle rifle, needler and energy drainer making it the inferior spawn area. The games revolved mainly fighting over the sniper spawn.

    Durability: 7/10
    The map by itself is very well built there are no open holes to lose grenades. The spawns are well placed and while it is not escape proof it would be very hard to escape the area. However, there were a lot of bumps in between boxes. I usually don’t mind this bumps because they are just part of interlocking but there were some major “bumpage†in certain areas. The geomerging against the walls were wonderful.

    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Probably one of the best categories of this map. The author has taken the time of place objects outside of the map creating scenery outside the area of play. His unique pillars with shield walls and grav lifts are also unique and aesthetically pleasing. The slanted objects all look like they were purposefully placed there and add to the map. Overall the aesthetics although simple are a success.

    Originality: 7/10
    None of us felt the map did anything too original. The pillars were the most interesting but we have seen variations on that idea. I do award points to the author for coming up with a little soccer ball Easter egg which is cool but not original. They layout is original as in its not the basic square area with high ground on the sides. It has high areas in different parts of the map and low ground spread out throughout.

    Overall score (Average of the above): 7/10
    A success. I would only advise the author if he wanted to change would be weapon balancing and some re-interlocking. This map is definitely worth a try for anyone interested in a medium-sized map with a more than an average design. Also bonus points for those smart enough to figure how to get the soccer ball in the map.
  3. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a nice clean map, I don't play many customs anymore as it crashes my xbox (Sad face), but I will download anyway.
    #43 Dynamic Echo, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  4. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    amazing map, interlock both with map geometry and objects. very nice layout and design. I NEED TO SEE WHAT THE SWITCH DOES :]
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thanx vice, roche and hxc. sry there wont be a V2 ill just make sure i dont make an error on my next 1 and keep them coming. theres not much i had to do on this b/c i ran out of objects so fast. btw you forgot that the defence side also has a shot gun. when we played in testing the weopen set felt just as i liked so i didnt bother changing it at all. still thanx once agian. an i hope you doo the same review on my next map so i keep improving.

    yup. the interlocking isnt perfect but just for looks. the gameplay still is very smooth. thanx. dl and check out the switch.

    ok. sounds good. maybe youll play it offline sometime.thanx for the comment and dl. :-D
    #45 Blaze, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  6. XxAppleSkaterxX

    XxAppleSkaterxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sweet map i want to try it out as a 1v1 map i dont know if it will work though?
  7. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lovin' the map very good interlocking, I'm looking forward to future maps from you.
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thats great. i hope you like them too. thanxfor the support to keep on forging.

    yes this is set up for 1v1 its set up for up to 5v5 slayer and many other gametypes.
  9. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I finally got to play the map yesterday and I really like it. It looks great, it has great use of interlocking. Ive got two questions. 1) How do you activate the switch if you cant get outside to where it is (unless I'm missing something). and 2) What does the switch do? I used forge to get back there and pushed the soccer ball in and all i noticed was that the soccer ball went inside the map. Other than those to questions (which are basically questions to figure out the map) I thought you did an amazing job. 5/5
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thanx. im glad you liked it.. the switch yo can hit by shooting threw the fence wall. :-D and its kinda pointless, it just lets the bal in. lol i just thuoght it was amusing.
  11. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice, good post, I'll downoad
  12. Dark Minja

    Dark Minja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hurray! an asimetrical map! looks really clean, lots of interlocking, and i like the way you included a switch
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    haha. thanx. im glad i put that switch in.. every1 likes it

    thanx. i hope you enjoy. i took alot of time on my post as well as my map.
  14. Diminished814

    Diminished814 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    bahhahaha. learn how to shoot a rocket launcher in team doubles. maybe we should stick to play koth on battery cause if F ing rules.
  15. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map was unbelievable for shotty snipes. My friends and I must have played 5 straight games of it. This must have taken you a heck of a lot of time to make something this perfect. No flaws. 10 out of 5.
  16. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is definitely better than ice cream
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this today WIth Paulie Walnutzz, TX Ghost, Bnasty and a few others and I have to say I liked this much more after a more proper game with a better party. I thought it was pretty fun, much more entertaining than alot of maps recently. It just seemed to break away from the mundane. I believe that after seeing this today that you have great potential to make excellent maps in the future, now it is just a matter of repitition, getting better and better at forge until you make totally awesome maps...
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    haha thanx.

    thank you. i do believe myself that im on my way to making awsome maps.. thanx for suporting that. im working hard to impress forgers like you, vice ivory matty draw the line mallet lights ect. :-D thanx for the reply. i was hoping to get one from you.
  19. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map overall looks great ..!
    Some places could be improved but the interlocking and choice of objects bring it all together :)

    Well done!
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    thanx. i appreciate your opinion

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