I currently have anothe money to by either Batman: Arkham asylum or Halo 3: ODST and im not sure which one i should get because they both look very good. Currently im thinking of getting Batman: Arkham asylum because its out now and i don't know if i will be able to wait for ODST to come out. So i have decided to ask you people on forgehub, can you please leave a comment saying what you think i should get and maybe a reason why. Thanks
Buy Arkham Asylum now. Play it, beat it, etc. Then when ODST comes out, sell it back, so you'll be that much closer to affording ODST.
Well if you're able to beat it within say a week, you could trade it in for somewhere between $30-$40 I would think.
Yes but you'd need it for what, 2 days to beat it, maybe a week for all achievements, and it's sure as hell not going to be a weekly release. I'd say buy it, just the regular edition, and trade it in with something else to get ODST really cheap. If you end up having money later in the year, consider buying Blur, Borderlands and Modern Warfare 2, they look like they're going to be good games.
Rent Arkham. Not worth keeping. Rent it twice if you have to. Better than buying it for sixty dollars, and then selling it for ten dollars.
I would wait for ODST. I mean if you're willing to lose $20 for achievements, then go right ahead. ODST has campaign, forge, and online, is there even online on Batman? I think the money would be well spent on ODST over Batman.
There's no online in Arkham Asylum, only leaderboards. Anyway, I'd say in your situation, you should rent Batman and complete most of it in a week. Then buy ODST when it comes out.
I've had batman for a week, played it only for three days(cuz of school) I've beaten it almost 100 percent, just need to find the challenges. So really, renting it for a week would allow you to beat it on at least normal(i beat it on normal in three days). I would go for ODST because it has online.
you should get odst because its halo and halo is awsome. also, agreed with TSB, batman is a really short game, just rent it or borrow it.
To be honest, asking us to compare something we haven't played, but obviously will have a strong opinion on as halo fans, and a game that's out but completely different from Halo, and may appeal to some more than others, means you won't get a brilliant answer. I haven't played either, I just thought i'd point that out.