It's a definite DL for me. Even if it looked like this map sucked, the sheer time it took to make it and the post requires me to DL. I could never make anyone do that for nothing. But, it doesn't suck, it looks amazing. Great job.
Thank you. There are two separate 5 minute switches for each tower, operating on the same timers, and there are two dumpster doors as pillars either side of the centre ring, so four switches in total. I have heard of them, yes, and I know what they're about. I've looked around the forums a little and so on, part of the job so to speak. As for becoming a member I'm not hugely motivated to pursue it, but I will be checking in and seeing what's going on over there every so often. I'm glad the initial look of the map appeals to you, and I'm looking forward to rusty's version too. It's looking cool. Thanks, as above I'm psyched too. You're a fine gentleman, that you are.
Shock you released it at last, great map I recall the Ducks were playing it a while ago and totally owned you at your own map lol we had great fun playing it and I will be downloading.
PicZ Arr Tou Smahll Seyz Dukk Tr33 Playing some of the testing games on this was phenominal. It is a rare occasion where i can say a map is improved by the use of mechanisms, because so many maps phail with them. But this one does. It adds so much depth and character, you not only have to decide where to go by where is safe, but by where you can actually go at the time. You really displayed your dedication here Shock.
oooo shock creates another goodie, haz to download, and the video was great, good job chronnie, also this haz some new original features in it, which I'm very pleased to see, also, GREAT DESCRIPTION if only we could see that more often around here...
I love the switch implementation. As mentioned by other people, its rare to see such as mechanism that so drastically can alter gameplay. Its usual purpose is purely aesthetic. The idea of having a teleporter flip locations / areas that are only accessible after a certain portion of the game is one which i had thought about myself, but had never put into practice (due to laziness and procrastination). I had written a big essay here, but it was totally breaching out of topic going into random ideas and discussions on gameplay effects etc ... thus i deleted it and will simply say that it looks like you've just separated yourself as the cream from the milk once again
Another wonderful looking map, Shock. I'll dl and give a more detailed report later. One thing I'd like to know is the weapon information.
A wonderous creation shock, and the video wasn't half bad either if I do say so myself, lolz. Anyways if you haven't checked this map out yet I suggest that you do so, you wont be disappointed..
Wow, that's a nice compliment. Shame you deleted your essay though, I would have been interested to read it. Hugely glad you think so, and thank you, a lot. I really want to see more complex development of gameplay mechanics in other community maps, and luckily I think this is where a few people are going to be going in the near future. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback later. I'll add a weapon list to the first post for you. I personally love the video and I'm thrilled you took the time to put it together. You rock.
And the sock monkey flexed his forging muscles and there was shivers of fear through every forger in the Map looks amazing DL'ing now and will edit later with a secksy reviewz
nice job shock, i played this long time ago when i dl from ur fileshare (i stock u ) no jk, but its really cool map. cant wait for star wars maps
wow this map has great asthetics, interlocking, gameplay and everythjing else a good map needs. so basically shock theta=insane map case closed