Foundry Bastion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Shock Theta, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Shock Theta
    Sr. Consultancy: rusty eagle
    Video: running chron
    Consultancy: Qrangeremi

    YouTube - Bastion

    [Please click the pictures below for larger views]

    Overview of the map centre

    Attackers spawn side

    Underneath the centre ring

    Second floor room of Tower B

    The 5 minute switch mechanism exposed

    Top floor of the towers

    The dumpster door mechanism exposed

    First floor room of Tower A

    Map Development

    Several months ago I had a conversation with rusty eagle where he mentioned his ideas for a map design which was influenced by a certain other map of old. Coincidentally, I had been toying with a similar idea and informed rusty of my vague plans. We exchanged ideas and as rusty was a little further ahead than me I was ready to leave him to pursue the project but delightfully he offered to team up. We began designing and even started forging, but unfortunately rusty was almost instantly afflicted by the RRoD (and its worth noting that this was not a conspiracy of mine). The result is my own version of a map that rusty will release his separate version of in due course. If you like the look of Bastion, or if you think it could be done better, you can check out Rusty Bastion in a month or so.

    When designing and brainstorming we settled on a symmetrical rather than asymmetrical map, mainly because we wanted a wider variety of gametypes to be supported and have two teams fighting it out over some form of central structure. Whilst the attraction of building an asymmetrical map with the increased difficulty involved was high, that can be left for another day and project. This one seemed to fit perfectly well enough to validate this initial choice, creating gameplay that is reminiscent of the push and shove of Conquest but in a free flowing, open map format and with novel map elements thrown in.

    Key Features
    When rusty eagle was working on the switches forging 101 article and video, I came to him and mentioned the 5 minute switch I had been casually considering since before foundry. Back then Its implementation was much more difficult due to the lack of immovable objects to work with and the necessary inclusion of grav lifts, leading me to consider the idea a thought experiment rather than anything practical. With the heroic map pack and Foundry in particular however, this changed. We worked to refine the idea and developed various practical methods of implementing the switch - which basically allows you transit through a teleporter to one receiver node for 5 minutes, followed by a separate receiver node after 5 minutes. This breaks the 3 minute limit on spawning objects and the difference between the two times is not inconsiderable.

    Between us we have our own preferences on which system is more useful for the map concept, and in my design here go into forge and you'll see how I personally went about things. Rusty will be chasing after a different style of switch and I'm looking forward to seeing how he integrates it into his own original design. In my version, teleporters in each side base take you into the opposite tower, which you'll see in the map video produced by running chron.

    The result of the 5 minute switch in Bastion is the creation of areas which are inaccessible after 5 minutes into the game, and other areas that are only accessible after that point. The obvious conclusion you can jump to is that this gameplay mechanic could be ideal for an original territories gametype. A territory on the upper floor of each of the two towers and three below result in five territories being available for the first 5 minutes and the remaining three available for the rest of the game. An area overlooking parts of the map is opened up after 5 minutes which does not contain additional territories - but does provide a degree of map control - and more importantly, it's a great vantage point to notify your teammates of enemy movements. The result in game is a frantic struggle for control that ensues around the 4 minute mark as well as near the end of the game, drawing out the tension and excitement of a territories game and giving meaning to important plays throughout the match. There's also the risk in a game of territories of having all five territories being captured by one team - in this case a sudden death situation occurs and the game is at risk of a premature end. This risk of being thoroughly embarrassed only adds to the tension!

    Bastion also contains several other features such as:

    • Dumpster doors than can be opened from below and automatically close after 30 seconds, enabling a degree of map control by organised and communicative teams as well as a faster route to the middle area of the map.

    • A variety of ledges, jumps (including edge ghost jumps) and player routes litter the map.

    • Powerup placement that is visible to players from a distance without compromising the enclosed areas of the map (for example, the overshield is interlocked so that you can pick it up from above but from below you can still see whether it has spawned or not; active camo is visible through fence walls around the centre of the map)

    • Intelligent and intuitive weapon and equipment placement - Sniper rifles are in exposed areas but have access to long sight lines; Custom powerups provide an occasional speed boost when running around the outside of the map or can be used to cause your opponents to miss shots at close range; Flares spawn on a long timer and slowly roll down their respective set of stairs which attracts attention so that they can be acquired intentionally; A variety of weapons that cater for each situation and player taste but none of which overpowers or clutters the map.

    • Interlocking, merging and other subtle aesthetic touches included free of charge.

    Gametype Suggestions and Points to Consider
    Bastion supports all gametypes, although some are more suited than others. Due to the item limit I was restricted in my placement of respawn areas and you may experience the rare questionable spawn on some of the more outlandish gametypes. The 5 minute switch system is very robust on this map and I worked hard to contain it and eliminate honour rules. As a result, the only way the switch can be broken is by the use of frag or plasma grenades bounced off the ceiling of Foundry. There are none of these grenade types placed on the map, so when loading up a gametype here consider whether you want to allow grenade starts. In my experience of around 30-40 playtesting games, mostly with starting grenades enabled, this has happened a scant once, so you may feel comfortable taking the risk.

    The gametype I'm providing is a territories variant that does not have many changes to the default. Round time is set at 8 minutes, starting grenades are Off, and that's about it. You can easily construct your own and the gametype won't be available on my fileshare indefinitely. The key points to remember are to consider your preference on grenades and ensure that the round time is longer than 5 minutes if you want the switch system to be a feature of the gameplay.

    Recommended Gametypes:

    • Flag Rally
    • KOTH
    • CTF
    • Assault
    • Infection
    Bastion is a versatile map that can cater to your tastes and all gametypes are certainly playable, so you can feel confident trying them out.

    Weapon List:

    • Spike Rifle [4]
    • SMG [2]
    • Plasma Rifle [2]
    • Needler [2]
    • BR [6]
    • Sniper Rifle [2]

    • Spike Grenade [1]
    • Flame Grenade [1]

    • Flare [2]
    • Regenerator [1]
    • Trip Mine [1]

    • Custom Powerup [2]
    • Overshields [1]
    • Active Camo [1]

    Bastion has been the work of several months of planning, multiple iterations, budget glitch set backs and protracted yet hugely valuable testing sessions. The concept was fresh and original in my mind when I started, but the grind of getting the map to work made me consider putting the whole project on an indefinite hold at one point. Thankfully, I am in the immensely fortunate position of having some good friends who stuck by the map through the times 'o fail and helped me discover a gem under all the rock and dirt. It took a huge amount of scrubbing and chipping away, but I got there, and I'm incredibly thankful to all of you who took part. Thank you.

    I hope you like how it turned out.

    Bottlecap likes this.
  2. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    Good- don't get he swith thing.
  3. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I remember testing this map a month ago or so. I loved how it played with Territories. Did you ever fix that one spot where you would get stuck in the man cannon room or second story as in the pics? This was great when I help tested it and I hope it still is : )
  4. WindowFace16

    WindowFace16 Ancient
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    This is cool man, I like maps with working features, such as that 5 minute switch. Speaking of which I think I recall a map with a working conveyor belt. anyone know what map that is?

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map man ill dl it i love the interlocking looks like a fun map ill get some friends and play on it and i love the central area looks sweet
  6. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks very much Iron. I altered the sender nodes so you have to crouch into them at the last second to get through - so you can't pop up as you exit the receiver node.

    Window - That map was Pallet Parade, by Cosmic Rick

    Napalm - The pictures are links to larger versions.
  7. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    great job shock, i look forward to dling this map soon but not now since im at the dl limit =(
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    this map looks great will dl the map with the conveyor belt was pallet parade
  9. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    looks nice ill dl
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ah, finally its released. Have had some great games and stuff on this...some of rememberance:
    The 1v1 Assault game
    'To be honest, rusty's is looking a little bett--' 'NO! SHUT UP!'
    With 30 seconds left, I make a heroic speech about the 4 Red Spartans, then as we charge in to tie the game 'FOR SPARTAAAA *gets firebombed* ...aaaaaa'
  11. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shock it was a blast to play this with you and everyone befour it came out, the idea be hind it was geinious. The map plays awsome. great job 10/10
  12. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Shock it looks awesome. I will DL. Did it really take 7 months? It looks really complex and sweet. I love all the switches. Hey shock if you need testers my GT is Texturedlemur
    #12 texturedlemur, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  13. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The concept of the 5 minute switch was devised around November, and I played around with it on The Pit. But the map itself was started around 2 months ago. It wasn't forged rapidly by any means! It was a tricky project and I was working on other projects too at the same time.
  14. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    This map looks very füñ and interesting, espeacially with the added switch

    I do have a question.....

    Have you ever heard of the artificer website?

    I think you should consider making an account there, because it is apparent that you have some good switch ideas

    Pm me if you need any details about artificers

    This map though, I like the idea of symmetrical games, and then fighting for control of a center structure, this idea/concept provides for a tug of war type game, which sometimes is the most exciting.

    Great job, and I also look foreward to rusty eagles version

    Senior Member

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    the map looks really well made. i cant wait to play on it. and its good to see you post again instead of editing others peoples post so you can stay at 2000. lol. nice job on the map shock theta.
  16. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Your presentation of the map is very nice and clean. The map itself is the same, with the different features of the map. How many mechanisms and switches are located in this map exactly?
  17. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks awsome, downloaded
  18. furbyxxx

    furbyxxx Ancient
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    pallet parade by cosmick rick
  19. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    i have said this before and i will say it agian shock theta deserves to work for bungie the gaming experence would be amazing, but anyway the map is incredable the interlocking is great and the layout is amazing 5/5
  20. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    This map does look like a lot of fun, hope it plays well!

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