Ok, so basically I came up with an idea sorta like Grifball, but instead I made it more like basketball . Essentially there are two teams, red and blue (duh). Each team has a side with a goal as pictured here: They spawn in front of the goal, and the key point of the game is to defend your goal from the opposing team. To score, one must grab the bomb in the center of the map here: Then, once the bomb/ball is picked up the holder is slowed down to 75% speed and teamwork is crucial for him/her to make it to the goal. The holder has two ways of scoring, one way is what I like to call a "jumpshot" where the holder jumps into one of the grav-lifts shown in the goal picture above. But, if you would like a more humiliating score, go for the dunk using the man cannon in the very front of the goal. If shot correctly, the bomb arms and blows up scoring one point. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention....everyone has energy swords. Anyone for a slice n' dice? Anyways, another key defense strategy is using the grenade stocks on every corner of the map: Or maybe you want to grab some equipment? A invis, flare, and an extra grav-lift is behind each goal. HAVE FUN!!! Other pics: MAP: "Bomb Court" Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details GAME: "Basketbomb" Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Info: First forged map that I actually tried on xD. Also, the winning score is 15.
maybe this is just me being obsessed with balanced maps, but one "problem" i see is that the first person to get invis is also a person who gets equipment, making them slightly overpowered instead of everyone being about the same. 2 other things. 1.) i would add an extra 3 starting spawns on each side in case anyone ever plays this with 16 people. 2.) it seems like you just used a grifball court, which means there really that much work put into it. that in and of itself is not a bad thing, but knowing that and seeing shield doors that don't quite line up and having the basket being very basic etc. is kind of saddening knowing that it could be that much better with just a little extra work. However, if griball has proved nothing else, it is that simplicity can be very effective, so i will try and with hold judgment until i play it.
Yes, I understand that the map may have been simple and easy, but this was basically my first forge. Also, I indicated in the description that this was to be played with 4-12 players seeing as 16 may be a little much for this game type. Also, yea I never thought about the person getting invis and the equipment....something to think about next time.