@a Chunk, @Zandril I dunno guys when you talk about mediocre gameplay it's important to remember players do actually play on octagon maps, and in my opinion and this one definitely beats them all. I was playing on this map with 3 other guys and it wasn't exactly fun for me because my connection was very laggy so I didn't get the best experience, but this map is definitely worth more than just its aesthetics. I'd be happy to play on this with 10 other players and just go crazy. If this was a whole other game I'd love to discover the secrets of this place.
I guess it comes down to what type of experience players are looking for. If you want to just play this with 10 people for a crazy game then that's fine. My feedback, and probably Chunk's as well, was given on the assumption that the author wanted this to be a serious core map. Like the maps you'd see in a competitive tournament or something like that. Or a map that's being droned over in a video by Martian or Duck (jk if they read this).
@Zandril Maybe for a core map this may not be suitable. I reckon it should still fit into some sort of playable category. I wonder if this map would even suit fiesta...
@Zandril First of all thanks for playing the map and giving me your feedback! I absolutely understand and respect your opinion, but I still think that even if it hasn't an interesting layout the map can be a fun experience for many players. The aesthetics, united with the simple but working gameplay, truly offer a unique experience. So I believe it could fit in one of those videos without any problem because I only decided to give the priority to one particular element of the map instead of another one. @K27R Thanks so much! Never thought about an octagon but yeah, it should be fun! The connection problems you mention made the players become invisible?
Regarding the octagon comparison, that's fair, but the map is submitted as a 2v2 map and my feedback was given in that context. If it was submitted as a warmup map, an aesthetic map, or if it were built for a zany gametype, my feedback would be completely different. As a 2v2 map, it has far above average aesthetics and below average gameplay.